Cruelty Laws in HK??

Posted by BuRP 15 yrs ago
Not sure if this is a question for the Legal site so might put thread on there as well.

Most of us I'm sure have seen some form of animal neglect in HK and raise our eyebrows at times. I don't consider myself a zealot particularly but my concience is being pricked by a new neighbour.

I have yet to see the neighbour and think they only have a helper living in. They have been here 3 weeks approx. Have 3 dogs living in small cage which I consider much too small for the size of dogs. I have never seen the dogs out of the cage. Cruelty definately comes to mind. When the dogs stand (some sort of spaniel) there is not a lot of room hence they sit down most of the time.

I am happy to challenge the neighbour if I saw them or willing to knock on the door. I think I know the outcome of doing this so is it worth informing animal welfare organisations or is there nothing I can do?

What, if they have any are HK animal welfare laws regarding pets??

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Pumpkin Girl 15 yrs ago

Please come and raise this at the STOP meeting at SPCA Wanchai Tuesday June 1st (tomorrow) at 7pm. There will be reps of SPCA who can tell you the legal position.


Please come to our last open meeting before summer.


All are welcome


We will be discussing the following:

為浪漫動物注射防疫針或「捕捉、絕育、放回」之最新進展。寵物店糾察隊 -

** Vaccinating Strays or TNR--what's the latest


** PET PATROL-- 155 pet shops in HK--we need help monitoring them and reporting the bad ones--we have designed a leaflet for the public and need help distributing them--english and chinese--please come and learn what you can do to help

絕育馬拉松 - 這項大型的寵物絕育活動將會在九月份舉行

** DESEXATHON ---mass spaying and neutering campaign that will take place in September


Come listen or share your ideas.

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joe317 15 yrs ago
Bear in mind that if you call the SPCA, then the owner may not feel happy about this and may blame the doggies, worse thing is they may not want them anymore, this happen here all the time, the neighbour lived at my bldg on ground floor, he got a very large garden with two small and one big dog, every morning when i woke up and open the window, i saw that poor big dog slept on a wooden chair, the one that you used at the garden, the dog is as big as a golden, his flat worth around 9,000,000, i can't believe he don't have some spare money to buy a dog house for him, i wrote him a warning letter before cos he put the two small dogs in the garden, they ran crazy in the garden when heavy rain, they tried to hide under the BBQ stove, after that, he kept them inside the flat, especially during summer time, maybe is time for me to write a letter to him again

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JJChan 15 yrs ago
Please DO call the SPCA and they will happily go and investigate for you and they will keep your name anoymous. What you are witnessing is down right cruelty so you will be soooo doing the right thing reporting this. If you need any advice prior to calling the SPCA feel free to call the Hong Kong Dog Rescue and they will be more than happy to advise you. Tel: 2875 2132

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Lurcher 15 yrs ago
I rang the SPCA a long time ago regarding a dog in a retail shop (selling pet food, toys etc) that could barely turn around and it was covered in it's own pee/poop. A "so called" inspector checked out the dog and said HK law states as long as the dog has water and is fed then the living quarters, regardless of what they are is not considered cruel. Might be wasting your time calling the SPCA, but then again, things may have improved since I rang them about 4 years ago.

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