International Kindergarten in Tai Po

Posted by Vanille 16 yrs ago
Good afternoon,

Looking for a GOOD International kindergarten in Tai Po, any suggestions?

Have you heard about the Zebedee Kindergarten in Tai Po Market, is this one good??


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redeemer 16 yrs ago
Haven't heard much but they just open this past year. Would you know of English speaking churches in Tai Po? We're new here as well.

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Fikiwii 16 yrs ago
Dont' know about Zebedee but my son goes to the Norwegian International School in Tai Po ( They are more expensive than the local style international kindergartens though. One advantage is that NIS goes through to grade 6.

As for english speaking churches in Tai Po - there is only one I have heard of but have not attended, the Tai Po International Baptist Church ( Shatin Anglican ( is a great family church but they didn't have a regular creche so our youngest did not appreciate us going there... We ended up at the Kowloon ECC ( for a while as it is in the YMCA building in TST so it was just the one train ride.

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sweets 16 yrs ago
I heard Zebedee Kindergarten is quite good even though it is new. The teacher student ratio is good and they even have playgroup. Check their website or drop by if you have time they are right by the KCR station.

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hypatc 16 yrs ago
Zebedee is great. The teachers are meticulously chosen and I believe any child from any background will benefit from its clean healthy and child-friendly environment. I highly recommend this school!

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vw 16 yrs ago
Hong Lok Yuen International school has a wonderful kindergarten, my children had a fantastic start there.

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rachelwingyan 16 yrs ago
Is Norwegian International School good? I am planning to apply the playgroup for my 10 months old baby boy.

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