Posted by
4 yrs ago
Hi parents,
Do you have children between the ages of 8-15?
Would you like to see your children stand and confidently deliver an amazing presentation in English?
Speaking in public is the #1 fear of most adults. This fear can usually be traced back to childhood.
By giving your child the gift of public speaking skills early, you give them the confidence to stand out, now, and in the future.
Over the last 8 years I've been teaching presentation skills across Asia.
I've taught over 10,000 people since 2013 in banks and Universities including HKU, CityU and CUHK.
I'm now delivering presentation workshops for younger learners.
This is what they learn:
Coping with pressure.
Reducing 'fidget'
Eye contact
Use of hands
Confident body language / elegance
Voice: Tone, emphasis, speed, volume and pronunciation
Storytelling structure
Impromptu presenting
Pausing: less is more
Engaging the audience: asking questions
Handling Q&A.
Using these presentation skills, my son easily won the House Captain vote at ESF, with 30 minutes of preparation.
All Zoom workshops are highly interactive, always fun and everyone presents every time.
Workshops are 70 minutes over Zoom and a maximum of 12 per class.
If you would like to know more drop me a message
Have a great week!
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