Playgroups in or around TST

Posted by Brig 18 yrs ago
Hi There

I am a new mum to a 10 week old & new to Hong Kong and would like to know if there are any playgroups in or around TST?

Am hoping there are :)


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ashleymom 18 yrs ago
in Hung Hom, there's My Musicbox, My Gym. In New World, there's Little Gym. you can check those out, but i think the youngest they take is 6 months.

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s11mas 18 yrs ago
Theres YMCA in TST on Salisbury Road. Im new to HK as well and I live in Hung Hom. If you come across anything else please let me know

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cygnet 18 yrs ago
How old is your baby?

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Brig 18 yrs ago
Hi Cygnet

My little girl is 5 months old.

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ma.trix 18 yrs ago
hi' there i have 2 yr.old son looking for playgroup school whole day or half day live in tst.

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alirainsford 18 yrs ago
Hi there - A great language centre has just opened in TST, 17 Hankow Road. It is above ADIDAS. They have hour long language lessons in 5 languages. Baby Phonics, Playgroup and Jolly Phonics for english. Japanese, Spanish, Putonghua, French and English baby phonics and playgroups are all available from Tuesday to Saturday.

Their phone number is 23761808

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2005mum 18 yrs ago
In TST, there's also a Friday Mandarin playgroup. You may check out the details at

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southernside 18 yrs ago
Hi there!I used to take my daughter(she's 4 yrs now) to YMCA SINCE SHE WAS 8 mths old. it was real fun and their fees were also very reasonable-$45 per session

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Totty 18 yrs ago
New Kindergarten opening above Kowloon Station, PIPS. I believe they have a playgroup as well as classes for 2-6 year olds

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jwbb 18 yrs ago
Just want to know if the YMCA class mentioned above is the sharing group which run on every Monday and Thursday morning in TST? I am also interested to join the class. Can you tell me more about the class?

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