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18 yrs ago
I have a 19 month old son and we just moved to Bisney Road but there are no children in our building. Is anyone interested in setting up a playgroup or playdates either with me or my helper in the area within walking distance (Bisney Road, Crown Terrance, Consort Rise)? Ideally would like a playgroup or open area where the kids can run around safely.
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18 yrs ago
I Pippo.
Our baby is just about to turn one year.
We go to the playground at 86-89 Pokfulam Road, it is very close to you.
There is parking, it is a good mix of equipment and a nice age mix of babies and kids.
My baby is there with our helper most mornings and afternoons - lately it has been sometimes between 11:30 - 1:30 (for about an hour) and 4:00 -5:15 or so.
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18 yrs ago
Hi Cri, thanks for your reply. We were actually just there this afternoon at that playground with some other moms and babies so we might have seen your baby there with your helper!
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18 yrs ago
He was the really really cute one - ha ha. I wish I could go down there but I work full time, although in the afternoons I work from home.
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Pippo, my little boy is 18 1/2 months old. We live in Victoria Garden and he has tons of little friends around. During bad weather they play inside one of the apartments, in good weather they go for walks to Cyberport, Pokfulam Reservoir, Ocean Park or play within the playarea around the building. PM me if your little man likes to join. There are couple other kids 'from the block' who come by regularly.
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Hi Jaredada, sorry haven' been on this thread for a while. Did you move in already? I send you a PM with my contact details.
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