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11 yrs ago
I will be moving to HK in August/September.
I have got two children that are in a primary school in London.
My children aren't highly academic but do well in school.
I would like to find a school that will challenge them but not so much that they can't keep up.
At the moment they are just above the national UK average, which is ok. I'm just abit nervous as I heard that the schools in HK work at a very high standard.
Which schools would you recommend that is good but not too pushy.
Are there many schools that work on the British curriculum?
What are the International schools like?
Do you hear of much bullying?
Any info on schools that you've heard of or your kids go to would be great.
Thank you.
There is an incredibly large number of international schools in Hong Kong - 85, I'm told. Geographically, they're quite scattered, so it may make sense to figure out first which area you're going to be in. Are you Christian? If so, you can probably get a foot in the door at one of the Christian International Schools; I hear nothing but good, for instance, about Island Christian Academy. What age are your children? Some of the international schools do not cover the full age-range, so may not be eligible. You probably don't want the children to be in different schools at first?
Minor point to note, you do not need to be a Christian to attend Island Christian Academy it has children of many different or no particular faiths. It is inclusive in the true sense of the word.
11 yrs ago
We have just enrolled our daughter at Island Christian Academy. Places are very competitive at even the International schools. We easily got a place at ICA. The curriculum for literacy is based on the UK curriculum and numeracy is Australian. It an IB based school. I was really pleased that they encourage personal development as well as academics. There is minimal homework as they feel the children work hard in the day and need to rest and play after school. I too didn't want my child being pushed too much. The staff seem very caring. It is a Christian school which means there is prayer in the classroom and bible stories but they said at the tour that they are inclusive.
What ages are they, Mia? Never mind their academic standard - at this late stage you are limited to schools which may have places. If they are lower primary, the number will be very limited.
ICA is great - they have Year 4 and 5 places, but not Years 1 - 3.
Get in touch for more info and support: ruth at topschools dot hk
All the best.
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