Mum and baby group in Stanley

Posted by Linece 20 yrs ago
Hi, We are a French/Aussie couple and moved to HK in February from Tokyo. We have a 12 month-old and I would love to meet other mums and babies of the same age living in the area. Thanks.

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Matilda 20 yrs ago
We run a mother and todler group on a Thursday afternoon. There is a nominal charge of HK$60 to cover drinks and it is run by a health visitor who covers child development topics each week. It may not be the nearest group but it is a great way to meet new friends and get some tips on living in Hong Kong with children.

We also have a drop-in well baby clinic on Tuesdays and Thursdays should you have wish to monitor the little ones progress and get information on vaccination programmes.

Lynne - 2849 0328

Matilda International Hospital

Hong Kong

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baby04 20 yrs ago
Hi there, I have a playgroup/mothers group that generally meet at my house each Wednesday. We are in Repulse Bay, I think it will be at my house next Wednesday you are more then welcome to come along. My email is

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Yasmine 20 yrs ago
Hi there,

Also a French/Aussie couple. Just moved back to HK after a year in Singapore. We have a 12 month old daugther (although yours must be already 18 months now! My number is 97778245 if you want to have a chat.

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kieransaskia 14 yrs ago
Just moved to Stanley with an 8-month old and keen to meet some more mums and bubs. Does anyone know / host any groups or advise any playgroups around the area? Many thanks indeed.

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