Singing Lessons

Posted by juji 16 yrs ago

Does anyone know where I could get singing lessons to improve my voice and pitch. I would like to learn jazz... Also, I am on a huge budget so wouldn't be able to pay top dollar. If you have any suggestions I would love to hear about it.

I have marketing skill so I could even do a skill swap if anyone is interested- just a suggesion.

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Mighty 16 yrs ago
Dont know the price but may be you can try Teresa Carpio or Christine Sampson's singing schools. They both teach children and adults.

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Ed 11 yrs ago

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bonbonbon 11 yrs ago
Howard McCrary !! He is a professional Jazz singer !!

Work with Diana Ross, Quincy Jones, Michael Jackson, Chaka Khan, Edwin Hawkins, Nina Simone, Ringo Starr or Andrae Crouch Before.

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