Day-care in Hong Kong

Posted by boedker 18 yrs ago
Hello Hong Kong mums and dads,

I am moving to Hong Kong with my family of 3 in September 2007. In Hong Kong I will be studying at HKU during evening time. My son will be 17 months old at that time.

Right now he goes to day-care (6 months – 3 years) while I work and he loves it. It stimulates him and he enjoys to see other children and play with different toys.

So I am looking for a similar day-care in Hong Kong - however I am only planning him to attend approximately 2-3 hours a day. I have not found anything on the internet – only playgroups where the mother (or someone else) attends. Doesn’t day-care exist in Hong Kong for the smaller kids? And how much do you approximately pay for this. We will be living in the Repulse Bay/Stanley/Tai Tam area.

Best regards Boedker

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boedker 18 yrs ago
Thanks for your answer Cara.

I guess that day-care is out of the question.

How much time do you need to hire a helper? We have persuaded the grandmother to accompany us the first two weeks (where I start school, my husband starts to work, and we have to buy all our furniture) – will two weeks be enough? And what do I have to be aware of? Do I hire through an agency or do I just call on ads?

Please – share your experiences with this.

Kind regards Boedker

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Spockey 18 yrs ago
You need between 2-8 weeks at least to get a domestic helper's visa sorted. It really depends on the situation that each helper is in:

1. Finished conract (in HK) - 2-4 weeks

2. From Phil or DHs in HK who didn't finish contract - 4 wks to up to 2-3 months??? But i think on average it's about 8 weeks.

We got ours who completed a contract... got the DH visa in 3 weeks.

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mumof2boys 18 yrs ago
Hi boedkr,

Day care is not entirely out of the question!

I am a kindergarten teacher and I missed the NZ style of daycare so much I have opened my home up as a daycare centre. It is very restricted in numbers and I only accept a max of 4 children. But I have two toddlers myself and my husband and helper are around also. My husband also teaches kindergarten.

Please see my website for details:

or email me for info:

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Lily&Lukas 18 yrs ago
I know I am a bit late for a reply but just wanted to let you know :

We arrived in Hong Kong when my daughter was 14 months, I needed to work full time, and we had no problem finding 'school for her'! ... but we did have no choice but to send her to an all Mandarin and Cantonese speaking environment (which has actually been really good for her). She went to Bo Bo Nurseries in Taikoo Shing - they were excellent and lily had lots of fun there. The principle speaks perfect English and the teachers a little, so as a non-Chinese speaking expat, I was satisfied that I always knew how she was doing and what she was doing! For any other info you need give me a PM :) When she reached 2yrs i went part time at work and she went to a local international class and had lots of fun there as well!

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mchong 13 yrs ago
Hihi Lily&Lukas,

I am interested in applying for Bo Bo Creche. I have sent you a message, appreciate your help. Thanks.

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