Drop in Toddler groups

Posted by LAPM 18 yrs ago
Hi I live in Mid Levels and have a 3 year old and a one year old. I was wondering if anyone knew of any mother and toddler groups around here that I could just pop along to with both of my children - somewhere where the children can play freely and I can meet other mums over a coffee. In the UK there were hundreds of places like this but in Hong Kong it seems to be hard to find them. There are classes aimed at one year olds or classes aimed at 3 year olds but I don't know of anywhere that I can't take both of them to by myself?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I am feeling quite isolated at the moment - I know there are mums meeting at the park and things but iin this heat that is quite hard and I'd quite like somewhere where my children can play inside safely.

If there are any other mums out there with children thesame age I'd love to hear from you.

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Ed 18 yrs ago
Moved to playgroups

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mommy sara 18 yrs ago
I haven't really found any that are true drop in programs. Gymboree does have "play gym" where kids of all ages (up to 6 I think) can play. You need to call the morning of the class after 9 am to make a reservation. The website is http://www.gymboree.com.hk/. You won't find many moms there and there's no coffee, but the kids will have fun.

I happen to meet other moms and toddlers at Pacific Coffee (the one at Hollywood and Lyndhurst)on Fridays at 2pm. You are welcome to join us if you like.

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LAPM 18 yrs ago
Hi Mommy Sara - I would love to come along for coffee - I met you at the park once but since then something has always popped up. Can't do this Friday but should be able to do next Friday. Jaredada - are the ages all mixed in together then? So I could bring both 3 and 1 year old along together?

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cd 18 yrs ago
There is a mother and toddler group at the USRC on Gasgoine rd, jordan, 10 min walk from Jordan MTR, mums come from all over including Lamma, DB and Clearwater Bay. Its very informal, kids play 9lots of toys), plus as a great outdoor area including a park, mums chat and have a coffee. Pay as you go, I think it would be $85 for a non member mum with 2 kids, 9.30-11.30. Toys get put away at 11.15 and the last 10 minutes is spent with a singing session. Its on tues and fri mornings, from birth till school age, although in the holidays you often get mums coming back with their school age kids for a visit.

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mommy sara 18 yrs ago
LAPM, any time you can come is fine. We're there every Friday.

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mommy sara 18 yrs ago
LAPM, sent you a PM, go to "control panel" and click on Inbox.

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Matilda 18 yrs ago
There is a mum and toddler group and Matilda International Hospital on a Thursday afternoon. You can just drop in. For more information please visit our website www.matilda.org or call our health education coordinator on 2849 0357.

Matilda International Hospital

Hong Kong


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LAPM 18 yrs ago
Hi Matilda

I went on the web site but can only see groups for babies up to 18 months?

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