Toddler Playgroup Mid-Levels

Posted by MrsGolightly 12 yrs ago
Hello All

We recently moved to Hong Kong and are looking to meet new friends for our twin toddlers.

We live in Mid-Levels - Seymour/Robinson Road and would love to meet up with other families in the area!

I would be happy to host a playdate at my place.

Hope to hear from you!

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chinese aussie 11 yrs ago
Hi Mrs Golightly,

Would love to join a playdate for my 2yr old son..... If your twins are about the same, my contact details are watsapp or sms 9585 1976.

Aussie chinese

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Aussierules 11 yrs ago
HI there,

Just saw this and wondering if you have managed to form a toddler playdate group. We are on Conduit and daughter is nearly 2.5 yo, would love to make some new friends. Please let me know, thank you so much.


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bubuchen 11 yrs ago
Hello there,

Is this playgroup still taking place? I have a set of four month old twin boys and would love to join. We live on Robinson Road too. Please let me know if we may still join this playgroup. Thank you!

Mommy B

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