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16 yrs ago
As a parent I put a lot of trust in the school educating my child. Sadly with the recent events at the GSIS and the temporary move of the primary school to Ma On Shan. (Temporary even though it is going to be for four years.)I am beginning to question this trust and the motives of the school. There have been numerous meetings, consultations, school visits, beautiful artists impressions of the new school and countless words on the web site about this move and the long term benifits it will have.
The one thing that has not been addressed is how this is tearing the school apart and destroying the ethos of the school. The board is adamant that this move must happen even though there is a large parent population that disagrees and wants to help come up with a more palatable solution. There have been accusations, counter accusations, lawyers have gotten involved and even the press has been supplied with articles but I still have the one question
"Why can the board and the parents not come together as a community of rational, intelligent and connected individuals to create a plan that will satisfy all. This should go a long way in returning some of the trust that has been lost?"
I am interested to hear other peoples views on this matter.
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16 yrs ago
Wow grapha,
sounds like a sad situation. Have you thought of just moving your kids to another school? There are so many other good schools out there, why not just 'jump ship'?
Not sure about this school's plan but why not just get one of the zillion empty schools on HK island for temporary purposes? How about the one HK Academy just turned down?
Again, I don't really know about GSIS, but the terms "rational, intelligent and connected" doesn't always apply to school Boards or Principals. They are often more interested in leaving behind a personal legacy, and from your description, it sounds like these "beautiful artists impressions" might be just that...
Sometimes people just get so committed to one course of action they have tunnel vision and refuse to see anything else, no matter how "rational" you make it.
best of luck and I hope they come around for you.
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Hmm thank you for your insight and time. I hear you re moving schools may be the only option that me and other parents may have but this would seem to be giving up. It does at the moment seem like the sensible option though. Re personal legacy and principals there is a school of thought out there that this could be the case re the redeveiopment.In respect to the HK Academy site I am being told that this is only for permanent moves and not temporary. Event though GSIS is defining temporary as minimum 4 years.
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