Looking for Mother & Toddler Groups in Mid Levels

Posted by nesska 16 yrs ago

I've relocated to Hong Kong from the Uk and will be living in Mid Levels (Central) as of beginning of August. Currently in serviced apartments in North Point area. I have an 12 mth old boy and really need some company for him and somewhere to let him get rid of his energy!

Would really appreciate any information about play groups and mother and toddler groups I could bring him along to. Plus the chance to meet other newish Mums.

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hkosborne 16 yrs ago
Learning Tree Educational Centre

901, Universal Trade Centre


Tel: 3482 2142

has great classes for kids 12months to 6years+. Great centre and the owners are the teaxhers as well. All classes are in English.

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Samanthaw 16 yrs ago
Childrens Own workshop

Rooms 501A & B, 5/F., One Hysan Avenue,

Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.

Tel.: (852) 2504 4833

Fax: (852) 2504 4033

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Mrs. Tan 16 yrs ago
Hi Nesska,

I've just got an invitation to attend the open day of a new English playgroup in hk island. If you PM me, I can forward you the invite to go and check out the place. In any case, you can also contact them at...

KinderCare Montessori Playgroup

#1401, 14/F, Causeway Bay Plaza 1,

489 Hennessy Road,

Causeway Bay.

Tel: 3904 3388

I hope this helps and welcome to HK!

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nesska 16 yrs ago
Hi Samanthaw and hkosbourne,

Thank you for the addresses for these play groups. I have not had chance to check the thread for a while as I have been moving to a new aprtment.


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nesska 16 yrs ago
Hi Mrs Tan,

I have sent you a PM. That would be great if you could forward an invite.


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rockabyebaby 16 yrs ago
Hi Nesska,

I have sent you a PM.

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