Posted by
15 yrs ago
Hi... I'm running out of schools to look for(based on what i know of).
Schools i've inquired are either full, too expensive or purely in chinese.
if you know anyplaces in hong kong side i could try, please fill me in...
i'm looking for a place for my son, he's 4 years old going for K3
he speaks english, but i want to put him in english/chinese school.
he's school before was closed down ?(st. chee english/chinese)
we have a voucher scheme, can't afford to pay $1xxx a month(single parent)
places i've tried:
ST. Mathew's church
Cannan kindergarten
Kau yan school
Ling yan
Rhenish mission
Sacred Heart Canosssian kg
Sheng kung hui
hk true light
St paul's
HKYWCA tai hon fan
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15 yrs ago
Lingnan kindergarten Stubbs Road,Happy Valley
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