Harbour School for a 4.5 years old kid from Canada (any comment of this school)?

Posted by magicwandzzz 13 yrs ago
My husband is considering accepting a position in Hong Kong. We are currently residing in Canada. We are Canadian Chinese. We have a 4.5 years old and I just realised it will be too late to apply any school for him now. My friend has recommended "Harbour School" in the Western district. But it seems they are really expensive and the facilities are limited. I have also called Korean International and Delia School of Canada and both still have space. Anyone can give us some advice on the above three schools?

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Movingem 13 yrs ago
I love the Harbour School. It's a small school, with small classes. My son is in P2 there and the teachers are lovely yet get respect and results from the students! My only quibble is the high fee but it definitely works for our child.

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magicwandzzz 13 yrs ago
Movingem: I heard their current campus is a temporary one and will be granted a place later. Do you have an idea on when and where that will be? Since I understand that they have no indoor/outdoor sports venue, how is the PE lesson arrangement? My son is a very outgoing kid and sports exposure is also one of my concerns.

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hkwaffle 13 yrs ago
If you're keen on The Harbour School, you have to agree with their philosophy which is quite different from many of the other schools.

In your situation, you can also consider a preschool with a class for 5-6 year olds and give yourselves another year to apply to primary schools, including ESF with the correct amount of lead time. Consider Woodlands, Sunshine House, Morningstar or Bigfoot.

Good luck.

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magicwandzzz 13 yrs ago
Thank you for all your information. I will call Island Christian Academy tomorrow to check. Except Delia and Korean international, nearly all schools I called are full already!

We have decided to move this summer and I hope I can find a school for my son in the Island where we will most likely reside!

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hkwaffle 13 yrs ago
You can put him in a preschool for K3 so you'll have plenty of time to apply for the primary school of your choice for entry 2012/13.

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magicwandzzz 13 yrs ago
hkwaffle: Yes we have decided to go to Woodlands P1 for the time being. However, choices are still limited even I have one year to apply. I have called basically all possible choices in the HK Island:

- Island Christian Academy - full need to wait until next year's application (ok fine, will do)

- Kellett - 100+ waitlist and no way if you don't have corporate debenture

- KCIS - P1/2012 full + waitlist (that make sense) but even P1/2013 full + long waitlist

- CDNIS - apply by Octobor 31 (ok will do)

- Delia School of Canada (according to all comments in this website - last resort)

- IMS (personally not familiar with Montessori system, will check out once I have arrived HK)

- FIS & GSIS (we want our kid to learn Mandarin as well, and they have long waitlist too)

- Harbour School (will only consider until they move to a permanent campus)

- one more in Kowloon Tong called Think International (Alberta, Canada system), need to explore on this

Anyone I"m missing?

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hkwaffle 13 yrs ago
Yes, you've missed some, but to limit yourself to HKIsland may not be the most sensible idea.

You do have time and, with the right strategy and guidance, you can apply for and get into a good school.

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magicwandzzz 13 yrs ago
hkwaffle, which schools in Kowloon do you think I should also check? Many thanks. Maybe you are right, I should not limit ourselves to HK Island.

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elmostoney 13 yrs ago
IMS is worth considering, but you need to bring some points into perspective because their system is very different:

1. Montessori is better suited to highly motivated and independent characters. A child can achieve high academic standards IF his character is suitable.

2. IMS is bilingual with good Chinese standard.

3. Boys in their primary school are significantly outnumber by girls. However, their kindergarten section has a more reasonable boy/girl ratio if it's a concern.

I think IMS kindy section is also quite full.

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hkwaffle 13 yrs ago
Magicwandzz, I couldn't possibly advise you on school choice without knowing anything about your family. If you are looking for a pure English medium school to apply to for entry to 2012/13, apply to all the ones that appeal, including ESF. Do some solid research - top schools dot hk. Never ever be put off by apparently long waiting lists or seemingly impossible entry requirements - just apply.

If, of course, you have the sort of money that a school such as HKA costs (as Billyboy333), you can easily get your application to the top of the pile at DC & RC, among others.

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Tartysurfer 13 yrs ago
A litle late, but a few comments:-

Both my children attended PIPs and it seemed to be very good for them, albeit at the upper end of the fee scale.

I have friends with children at Harbour School, both really like it and only have good things to say.

Billyboy333, yes a lot of the children at PIPs do live in Parkview, but that does not mean they all go home for lunch

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