Moving child to a newly set up preschool

Posted by charmainec 11 yrs ago
I'm having a school-related dilemma and would love some advice from people who have negotiated the Hong Kong preschool system.

My son currently attends an english-medium kindergarten in Tseung Kwan O. It is technically international but has quite a local feel and approach. It has been around for decades and has a good word of mouth reputation. However, my son has been very uphappy there and after speaking to another parent I realised that it's not just him.

So I decided to look for other options. Since I want him to go somewhere not too far from home, my choices were limited given that most of the english-medium schools in the TKO area are similar style to his existing school. Finally, I settled on a new school that has been running for a year and he went in for an interview.

I really like what I've seen of the new school. My main concern right now is that it's so new. It's been around for just a year and does not seem to have filled all place (in contrast to other schools where there is a long queue for places). I'm spooked by the recent episode of a kindergarten losing its premises due to rent increase, and so wondering if there's a chance a new school might fold. The new school is backed by a member of a tycoon family, who has run centres for children for 15 years, but this is her first preschool.

Am I being silly taking my child of a well-established school and placing him a newly set-up one?

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topschoolshk 11 yrs ago
Hi Charmain

I know the school you're referring to and have no hesitation in recommending it.

If the worst happened, and it closed, you'd still find something else. No point in staying on somewhere where your son isn't happy.

You can find info on all schools at my website : dub, dub, dub topschools dot hk.

All the best, Ruth

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charmainec 11 yrs ago
Thanks for responding Ruth, that's very reassuring.

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Mom0506 11 yrs ago
Hi! I had a similar problem. My kid was in a school my family was not happy with so we applied to a new international school in Hung Hom. They haven't even opened yet. This will be their first year. They have an open day this Sunday so I'll get to see the school for the first tiem. Fingers crossed for both our kids. =)

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charmainec 11 yrs ago
Hey Mom0506, glad I'm not the only one in this boat. Hope things work out for both our kids.

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