Posted by
13 yrs ago
Does anyone know of any good playgroups available in Taikoo Shing area? I have 3 children & 2 are at school & my youngest just turned 2 & I can see that she is getting rather bored at home. She has become an iphone & an ipad junkie...seriously! I am desperate to take her out so she can learn to play with kids at her age level & learn to share & be kind. She is so spoilt as she is the youngest. if anyone knows any playgroups or have small kids that may need play mates I would love to gather at Quarry Bay park. We've been in HK for 8 months now but know absolutely nobody....very sad!
There use to be a group of expat mums and kids that use to catch-up in Taikoo Shing but I think they don't anymore as the kids are now all at playgroup/nursery.
I am an Australian expat with a daughter turning 2 next month and a baby due in June. I usually take my daughter to Victoria Park in CB once a week. You are welcome to join us after the Easter break if you like. I am part of a big mother's group here in HK. Once we have met, i would be happy to introduce you to the group. Most of the kids in the group are turning two in the upcoming months.
Also, my daughter goes to playgroup at Tutor Time in Braemar Hill. She loves it there. I would highly recommend it.
thanx Sooney, CB might be a bit tricky. I have another daughter who now finishes at 12.30 & I have to pick her up from school so it might be a bit rushed. How long have you guys been here? We are from Sydney & I have an older one in P1 (3 altogether). I will look in to the Tutor Time & see how I go...Cheers!
We moved here a year ago. We are from Melbourne.
13 yrs ago
Hi Sooney and PriceTag, My name is Weiyi. We are from Melbourne too! We moved here about 4 months ago. I have a daughter who is 3 and a baby due in June too. Sononey, we should organise a Tai Koo Shing baby playgroup, as both of our babies are due in June. I take my daughter to the toy library in CB once a week. I am happy to meet you guys in the quarry bay park or victoria park. please leave me a message to fix a time. :)
if you guys are still interested to form a private playgroup around Taikoo, please let me know, my son is 2 yr 8 mths.
hi paddiee, i am cool with that. Weiyi just gave birth few days ago. My daughter is 2.3yrs. Happy to start something. Are you around Taikoo Shing area?
Hi all, I am an Indian in north point. My daughter is turning 3 in sept and have a baby due in dec. Will love to join as the summer vacations are starting and as said i dont want my daughter to be iphone and ipad junkie.
Hi everyone, i live in the taikoo area and my son is 1, is he too young to join your play groups? I'm a stay at home mom and we just moved here 4 months ago, so I don't know anyone here and would love to meet some friends for myself and my baby!
13 yrs ago
sure. maybe we can have an afternoon tea in the cityplaza friday afternoon? what do u think? anyone is welcomed. Paddiee, sandhya , sooney , pricetag and other new friends
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Great! WY, let's do it. If no one else turns up it will be us :) Is 3.30 good sort of time? Let's go to MacDonalds in Citi? Rest of you guys pls feel free to join in. Any drama give us a yell. Anyone wants to have a chat or gets lost call me. 90958709. C u all this Friday 10th of Aug 2012.
13 yrs ago
sure. it is a date! c u then.
Hi everyone!
Last Friday no one turned up so I propose another date. I am not sure if all of you check this forum or not. Anyway, I have my number above if you wanna set something up.
Just moved here, seen your posts and just wondering if you set a playgroup ?
If so would love to know the details. I have a 3 year old and currently live in Kornhill.
Hiya, nope no one showed any interest. I haven't been to this site for awhile now, I guess it's cos I have settled in HK :) If you've just moved here I can understand. I am more than happy to help you out with any questions you may have. I have a 3 yr old girl. She goes to Nursery which is called N1 here, in the afternoon for 3 hrs. You might need to look at those things for your little one too. If it's Kornhill, there is an international kindy & then there is Victoria Nursery. The school year starts in Sep so you should contact all the schools for admission. They usually do the admissions in the prior year Oct/Nov & sometimes as early as July! Anyway, if you need any help or a chat give me a bell. I am at Taikoo. Cheers.
Thanks for coming back to me and letting me know and your offer of local knowledge. Glad you have settled into life in HK.
We are only here on secondment for 3 months so was not intending to send our daughter to nursery, which I suppose is where most 3 year olds will be! However if you and your little one fancy a play date one morning please let me know.
Hi Jools, are you still living around Kornhill area? My daughter just over 1 year old, I'm looking for playgroups for her in island east district. Any good recommendations? Thanks!
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