Filipino mix kids

Posted by abby78 18 yrs ago
Hi anyone there with kids who are filipino mix? I will be happy to meet, we live in South horizons, but will be happy if we can meet anywhere in HK side.

I have a 20 months old baby boy.

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sammy s 18 yrs ago
Hi Abby,

I have 2 Australian-filipino mix children - 1 boy (18mo) & 1 girl (almost 4).

What nationality are you or your husband?

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abby78 18 yrs ago
Dutch-filipino where do you live? should be nice if we can meet for cup of coffee

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sammy s 18 yrs ago
We are in the mid-levels. Which nationality are you??

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abby78 17 yrs ago
its mentioned on my last reply

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sammy s 17 yrs ago
Sorry if I was unclear. I was just asking if you were the dutch or the filipino in the mix. I am Australian and my husband is from the Philippines.

Also, have not explored too much. Where is South Horizons?

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abby78 17 yrs ago
South Horizons is Ap Lei Chau, I am the filipina and my hubby is Dutch. Sorry was not able to reply for few days, been very busy at work. Hoep to see you soon, I will be ahppy to meet you around central over a cup of coffee.

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lady J 17 yrs ago
Hi! I'm also Filipina and my husband is from UK. I have 5 years old boy and 14 months old girl. Hope to meet you guys sometimes next week. I'm off every thursday as I'm working in kids school. I live in Mount Butler, Jardines Lookout.

Let me know if you are available on thursday or even Sunday lunch time. How about Dim sum?

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abby78 17 yrs ago
hi lady_ be happy to meet you one time one time, dim sum is good maybe we can see if sammy_s can meet us too?

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sammy s 17 yrs ago

Sounds good to me. Can't do sundays but if you can all manage a Thursday? Tomorrow might be a bit soon. Maybe next week??

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schu21 17 yrs ago
Hi, I would also like to join you for a cup of coffee or dimsum. I have German-Filipino kids, a boy, 6 and a girl, 3 1/2.

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sammy s 17 yrs ago

Just occurred to me unless we do late lunch or meet in the afternoon Can't bring the kids!! He sleeps till about 12.30-1pmish and she has school in the morning!


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lady J 17 yrs ago
I'm free on thursday 11 October if you guy's available then let's meet up for late lunch somewhere in Central or pacific place.

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sammy s 17 yrs ago
Works for me. Say 1pm? Any suggestions on a nice child-friendly venue?

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abby78 17 yrs ago
Seems the day is not good for me, i am working that day, anyway if you guys already met and will set again another day please let me know, i will be happy to join you next time and hoping I will be available by then.

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schu21 17 yrs ago
Hello again. Both my kids go to school in the morning and they are not at home until past 1pm so a late lunch meeting would be not for us. We would really like to meet up with you guys so if you decided the next time to meet in the afternoon, please let me know. We are available most days on weekdays.

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sammy s 17 yrs ago
Perhaps a later coffee somewhere would work better?? Say 3pmish somewhere in Central?

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schu21 17 yrs ago
3PM and Central is fine with us. Starbucks in IFC would be a nice place to sit with kids. If you have other places in mind, I'm also open to it.

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lady J 17 yrs ago
my eldest son just back to school at that time and have swimming lesson at 5pm.

I can still meet you but without the children. Next week, my children are free because of half term break.

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schu21 17 yrs ago
Great. Should we make it final then? Thursday, the 11th. Does Starbucks(IFC) suits everybody?

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lady J 17 yrs ago
Starbucks is fine with me! I might ring my youngest one.

Where do you work, abby? if you don't mind me asking?

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schu21 17 yrs ago
See you tomorrow. sammy s, are you coming as well?

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sammy s 17 yrs ago

Am deciding whether to come or not. Both kids have a bit of a cold at the moment. Would hate to infect anyone!! May just bring my daughter, she's not quite as bad as my son.

Hopefully see you later! If not, will definitely be up for something next time.

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abby78 17 yrs ago
lady_j, I am working at Causeway bay, hysan avenue for Eton Properties(owned by Lucio Tan), anyway I saw on one of your post you want massage and facial? maybe you want to go try that 20$ facial in Causeway bay? let me know we can go during the weekend, thats if you are off.

So have you guys met already? I am just not free during the weekdays at the moment, but would love to catch up one time.

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lady J 17 yrs ago
Yah! we met yesterday! It's good actually & we are looking forward to meet you.

We are planning to meet again next week together with the children so hopefully to see you and your kids.

I wont be able to do the facial on the weekends because its our family day.

I will try one weekends see if one of our helper can look after the kids, & hopefully we can do it together.

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abby78 17 yrs ago
we can do that during the weekday if you are off, there are days when I don't work during the weekdays because I am only working part time, normally its 3 times a week only, but lately I have to be there all the time during the weekdays.

Glad to hear you met with the other girls, I can't wait to join one time.

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anada 17 yrs ago
Hi all, Im Filipina - English husband and baby 10 months old, I am hoping to met some friends for my little one to play with. free to met you guys.


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sammy s 17 yrs ago

Anyone keen to meet up next week? Schu, you mentioned somewhere at the Peak where the kids could play while we had a drink. Not sure exactly where but it sounds good!

How does that sound to everyone???

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schu21 17 yrs ago

Sounds good to me. There's a playground connected to the Peak Galleria ( entrances from the mall is on L1) and they have areas for toddlers and bigger kids. There's a Starbucks somewhere near for the moms , so it should be fun.

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sammy s 17 yrs ago
Great! Now when? Thursday afternoon worked well for me last time. Does that suit everyone else?

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schu21 17 yrs ago
Thursday's good. Around 3PM?

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sammy s 17 yrs ago
Sounds like a plan. Where shall we meet? Starbucks at 3pm?

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schu21 17 yrs ago
Starbucks, 3PM. We'll be there.

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sammy s 17 yrs ago

Any other takers??

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mdm85263 15 yrs ago
is this playgroup for filipino kids stil active.. i'd like to join my daughter

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arianne mae 15 yrs ago

I'm not a mom but I do have a 6 years old brother half/ Flip. as well but I just wanted to give you guys a suggestion...

Try " Toy Town"

The last time we went it was amazing... No, Coffee but they do have beverage but the kids will LOVE it!!!!

The baby playground is right next to the sofas so that would be relaxing provided that it's not taken and although the playground at the peak sounds nice... it really is not so clean

But Up to you guys! Ya'll have fun!!

Merry Xmas!

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arianne mae 15 yrs ago
Oopsss... I wasn't looking at the days... oh dear... nevermind

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Yat Hin 15 yrs ago

I'd like to know if this playgroup still active?

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Irene M 15 yrs ago
Hi Abby,

I would like to know if your group still active because I want to join. We just moved here 3 days ago and I have 2 little boys, 1 is 5 yrs old and & 1 is 13 months. Im filipino and my husband is New Zealander & we're from Singapore. I find it a bit hard because I dont know anyone here my kids also needed some interaction from other children. Pls. e-mail if you would allow me to join in your group.

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hgriffin 15 yrs ago

i am Jovena from mindanao and my baby Katherine was born here at prince of wales on 27 february, we live in tai po. Katherine's father is american from los angeles, california. my email is

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Makki 15 yrs ago

Just new in this forum though I heard this one before just bit busy with my 6 months old daughter she's half British- filipina we been here for almost a year but don't have friends to go out with my daughter.

I'm really happy to have any invites :-)

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mrsjpc 14 yrs ago
Hello Mums!!

Just trying to re-activate this thread. Who;s interested in a meet-up / playdate in the near future?


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Pepperclip 14 yrs ago
Am a newbie here in Hong Kong and live in Tai Po near Hong Lok Yuen. Would love to meet Filipinas married to expats over coffee mornings!!! We have a 5 yr old son. PM if interested.

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