2 year old and 6 month old

Posted by jay_mac99 18 yrs ago

I am a expat Canadian NET living in Tin Shui Wai with 2 young children (08/09/04 and 09/03/06), day/month/year/ Other western expats are rare here. We are concered with a few things.

1. Playmates for our children (playgroups)

2. English Language day care

3. Part time baby sitter availability (for when my wife and I need a break).

4. Pediatrician

5. Other parent input to discuss parent issues such as langauge development, toilet training, etc. (My wife and I are concerned as our son turns 2 in 2 weeks and his shows no interest yet for the potty and is not yet speaking). Does anyone have any information regarding this (such as taking him to a specialist here in Hong Kong).

6. School options

Thank you,

Jason and Marjorie

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miso 18 yrs ago
I'm not familiar with this area of the New Territories so won't be much help on your 1, 4 and 6 concerns. However for 2 & 3, have you considered a domestic helper or are you not planning to go that route?

Re. point 5, my daughter didn't speak until about 2yrs 3mths and even now is not talking as some of her peers would. With toilet training - I think 2 is still quite young for a lot of kids. My personal opinion on these two issues is to give it a bit more time. However if you are really concerned then most HK paeds should be able to recommend speech therapists.

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katyw 18 yrs ago
I have to agree with Miso. My son who's 2 and 7 months didn't start talking until well after his second birthday. He was only just potty trained at 2 and 5 months too so I really wouldn't worry. He sounds absolutely normal to me.


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audres 18 yrs ago
hi Jason and Marjorie,

My son is almost 18 months and has not yet said his first word, although he understands everything. I have been given a list of speech therapist in HK. Please email me at audres@hotmail.com if you would like this.


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hmm 18 yrs ago
My son is 2yrs, 4mos. and only has about 30 indiv. words. I have been told by many people this is within "normal range". Some questions to ask: "is there progress?" "does he 'talk' to himself - even if it is unintelligible?', "are his receptive language skills developing - does he understand you?" "Is interested in what things are called?" " Is he trying to communicate with you; make himself understood?"

We have spoken with a Speech/lang. therapist and had his hearing checked as well (something they always want to rule out).

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