2 yr olds in mid levels

Posted by Ells 20 yrs ago
Hi, we recently moved to HK with our son who will be 2 next month. I was wondering if there are any parents with children a similar age in the area who would like to get together?

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hkrcac 19 yrs ago

I have a 2 yr old and I am on Macdonnell Road.Please let me know if you would like to start a playgroup.


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hkrcac 19 yrs ago
Hi Slighted,

Thanks for the info.Sorry I can't figure out how to send you a PM.I tried to send you a message with a yahoo address(similar to mine)but it bounced back.Could you pls give me yr e-mail address?Anyway,I would love to join the group with the helpers and kids.Please send me the details of the group.My addess is hkrcac@yahoo.com


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