I can't how newcomers would know that play groups would be under Nightlife / Personals. Surely this might suggest another kind of "play" group.
18 yrs ago
We will be posting links to this from the appropriate channels of the site in the near future... once a few ads get dropped in I think it will be quite clear that this is what it is...
18 yrs ago
I think if there were a link from the Moms and Dads section that would be great!
An overall section called Parents with sub-sections: Fertility, Pregnancy, Parents, Playgroups, Schools AND a link to the Baby Stuff in the classifieds :)
That would be really good, especially if it had a search feature that could include multiple forums.
18 yrs ago
Agree - we will look at some hot links to relevant sections on the new site design.
18 yrs ago
One other thing we are planning is a features links section on some of the forums - same idea as the home page where we select the best news stories from variour sources... for example, on Moms/Dads we will post links to features about parenting...
18 yrs ago
GReat idea Ed - why don't you ask on the Moms&Dads and Pregnancy&Fertility for users favourite links on the topic?
There are probably 5-10 that we all refer to...
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