Personal Finance Coaching Question

Posted by Onionman 10 yrs ago

This is more for market research purposes, so apologies if this isn't the right place to post it.

I want to know what services people would be willing to pay for in relation to improving their education/knowledge of personal finance?

One reason I mention it (aside from the fact that I'm providing this service - I have to be upfront about that) is that most people's relationship with personal finance here is through what HSBC tells them or what gets sold to them by an IFA.

I've got nothing against IFAs (as they do help provide structure for people) and I used to work in banking (so I know how banks think). But many allow themselves to be sold products they don't understand/need, partly because they know they should be doing something, and then want to abdicate responsibility when things don't work out. Yes, I'm generalising a bit and people do buy good products, but people appear less willing to learn about the fundamentals and more willing to accept what's offered.

Given that the coaching is not be based on licensed advice (i.e. doesn't instruct you on what to buy), and more on education and psychology, what would you need included in the service for you to be willing to pay for it? Would you pay for you teenage child to learn about personal finance, for example?

People like the idea. But it's then about shifting their mindset from the blind commission they accept to payment of a flat fee.

Any ideas would be gratefully received.

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