online TESOL training??

Posted by hyperhippo 18 yrs ago
Can anyone offer feedback on doing an online TESOL course? I’ve done a fair bit of investigation re legit accreditation and providers but am still a bit overwhelmed by the range of options.

In particular, feedback would be gratefully appreciated on

‘INTESOL’ Cert TESOL PLUS (160hrs)

‘TRAINING LINK ONLINE’ -The Certificate of Educational Studies in TESOL (150hrs) or The Eurolink Direct Certificate in TESOL — Cert.(TM)TESOL (250hrs).

Any other personal recommendations would be very welcome

I am unable to go overseas to do a CELTA and it is not being offered in HK.

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aemom 18 yrs ago
It might be better to ask this question or search for a thread on a forum for teachers like:

Dave's ESL Cafe

PNET website:

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AimeeJ 18 yrs ago
Try the British Council and English for Asia - they run TEFL courses (CELTYL and Trinity certTesol respectively) - online courses don't hold much cache as you get no real teaching practice - most good schools/learning centres won't take you without having completed a taught course (as opposed to an online one).

It's well worth getting on to a taught course here as you will make good contacts and get experience teaching in local schools in the process.

Hope that helps!

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AimeeJ 18 yrs ago
Here are the links.

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ttc 18 yrs ago
As AJ above said, employers want TEFL qualifications where you had to do face to face teaching practice. RSA/Cambridge and Trinity are internationally recognised and are preferred. Be very carefully about spending money on an online course - you could end up with a qualification that is worth very little.

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Language Key 16 yrs ago
I did my TESOL Training at TEFL International Cebu last year in the Philippines.

It was a 4 week intensive course with six teaching practices and it gave me the basics and confidence to start a teaching career in Hong Kong.

Also, one of the big advantages of doing your TESOL in Cebu is the cost of living with it being so cheap compared to Hong Kong. I saved a fortune and had a great time exploring Cebu during the weekends and after the course had finished.

If you want to know more, just drop me a line and I'll be happy to share my experiences.

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