Looking for playgroup/preschool in Ma On Shan

Posted by greendale 16 yrs ago

We are looking for a holistic type preschool or playgroup for our daughter who is three and a half. We don't want to pay astronomical amounts of money, but want something that encourages her creativity and socialization. English medium would be our first choice, but Mandarin or Cantonese would be okay, too.

We live in a village on Sai Sha Road and it would also be an option to start a play group nearby.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance...

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Izzy Indigo 16 yrs ago
I am in the process of setting up a playgroup in Sai Keng Villae on the Sai Sha Road. It will be English medium based on a play and learn method, incorportaing pre-phonics learning depending on the age of the children. It will be a drop and collect basis. If you are interested please message me, and if you have any friends that may be interested.


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greendale 16 yrs ago
Definitely interested. As I am a working mother (my husband and I are both teachers), it would either have to be a drop-off thing or our lovely helper, Myrna, could come. We live in the organic farm village ourselves. What do you think you might charge and how often/what times? Play and learn is really important for us and one of the reasons we don't want Emily to continue in a local preschool before she joins us at one of our international schools that we teach at, is that it is too regimented and not holistic at all. We'd definitely be interested in hearing more.

I wish I knew more people on Sai Sha Road with young kids! We are just in the process of moving from Che Ha to our new village so I'll keep my ears to the ground for other young ones who might be looking for something different.



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Izzy Indigo 16 yrs ago
Great to hear that you are interested, I am still working out the details as to cost and timings of the classes. I am actually on holiday at the moment and will be back in Hong Kong mid august when I will be finalising the details for the playgroup, so will contact you once I return.

If you have any other questions then I will be checking the mail here while I am away.



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Izzy Indigo 16 yrs ago
Hi Leah

I am now back in Hong Kong and finalising details for the playgroup, if you want to message me at angela@egl-energy.com and I will let you have my phone number so I can find out what you are looking for. I am aiming to be ready for children at the beginning of September.



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macca36 16 yrs ago
Hi Leah

You could also look at 'Sweetpeas Playhouse', a new playgroup set up in Sai Kung. Send the owner an email - sweetpeasplayhouse@hotmail.com They have 3 sessions a day with each session 2 hours in length. A maximum of 7 children in a session.

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Izzy Indigo 16 yrs ago
Hi Leah

The playgroup in Sai Keng Village is starting on 21st Sept, running playgroup sessions 3 times a week in the am 9 to 11. Please call Easy English for Kids on 6114 4219.

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