Seek Advice... What should I take as PT?

Posted by blbw 15 yrs ago
Currently considering to change to Part time job from full time in order to reserve more time for my 3 years old son.

what should I take for Part time job which can offer flexibility...?

Teaching English? Cantonese? Chinese? Maths? Baby sign language?

I need some income to cover my daily expenses ...

Please give me some advices...Many Thanks

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cookie09 15 yrs ago
how about your current job and ask for part-time?

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chris_in_hk 15 yrs ago

While it's admirable that you want to spend more time with your young son you need to think carefully about how going part-time will affect the family's finances.

If you're thinking of only going part-time for a short period of time then fine. But if it's an extended period of time does that mean less or no money going towards your retirement? How about saving for you son's education? The longer you leave it, the more difficult it will become.

If you've crunched the numbers and it's fine, then yes, go ahead. If not then it may be a luxury you can't currently afford. Or it may mean you need to earn $X doing part time. However, the maths is rather complicated so not many people are able to work it out for themselves.

I'm not saying don't do it. Just know what you're getting yourself into and enter the situation with open eyes.

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blbw 15 yrs ago
Hi Chris,

Thanks for your advice and I do agree with your point..

That's why I struggle with this from time to time. I found it becomes more and more important for me able to spend time with my son before he gets old enough to have his own world.. at the same time balance in finance need.

I consider to give a try for one or two years working as PT..and see what happen then.

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sistim 15 yrs ago
Best comment I've ever heard on this debate is to ask yourself if you work to put food on the table, or to maintain your previous lifestyle- I've worked p/t since having kids & yes, a few luxuries have gone by the wayside, but you don't get those years with your kids back - if you are in the kind of job or career that you'd be able to step back into at some point & can afford a salary cut, then it's worth taking the time to be with your kids.

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