Urgent Kindergarten help needed!

Posted by poison 12 yrs ago


I'm looking for a good kindergarten school for my 2 year old son. I need to apply in this coming september and I just can't seem to make up my mind on which school to put him into. International schools are out of the question so can anyone please recommend a good local school with a blend of english,chinese and mandarin lessons? And pls share the experience of your kids. My son is going to have a little difficulty if its a complete Chinese school as we are non-chinese.thats also one of the reasons why I want to place him in a local school. The kindergarten must have english also. I live in Tseung Kwan O so does anyone have any ideas of nearby kindergartens offering eng and chinese?

Your kindest help will be appreciated.

thanks a lot

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topschoolshk 12 yrs ago
Hi Poison

In fact, kindergartens are not categorised as 'local' or 'international'. They are categorised as 'private' or 'non-profit'.

If the fees in the private ones are prohibitive, you must ensure you apply for the pre-primary voucher for your son for K1.

In TKO, there are lots of non-profit kindergartens. Many will have the main language as Cantonese with a little English and Mandarin every or most days. See the full list here: http://www.chsc.hk/kindergarten/index_en.html

No short cut, I'm afraid. Call the ones you like the look of and ask if you can visit.

All the best!

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