Posted by HKSF2011 14 yrs ago
Hi, my family will be relocating to Hong Kong summer 2011 and we are seriously considering sending the kids (3rd and 5th grade) to either ICS or CAIS. We would appreciate any comments on either school

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rolltide43 14 yrs ago
Hi, my wife is an elementary teacher at ICS and I can tell you that it is a fantastic school. ICS is truly like a family and we love being a part of it. Everyone knows each other and it is a just great environment. We are from the United States (State of Florida) and there a many other teachers from the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc. Also, ICS utilizes a North American curriculum unlike many other International Schools in HK. The school has a 100% college acceptance rate and many students go on to prestigious universities around the world including Harvard, Stanford, Oxford etc. I know that You will love Hong Kong, good luck.

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Kanice 14 yrs ago
I would like to tell choosing CAIS is our family's nightmare, teachers and Principal are also not professional in CAIS.

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rs2000 14 yrs ago
hi Kanice,

I have recently chose CAIS and the classes have yet to start

please can you elaborate a bit on your experience

we still have an option to chose Lantau International school (have to make up my mind today) so your comments will be really helpul

thanks a lot

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jodidodd 12 yrs ago
My boys, ages 9 and 11 were in gifted programming in the USA. I am a Language Arts and G/T teacher in the USA. We wanted to find a good school where the kids could have warm, caring teachers who could meet their individual needs. They have been attending CAIS for 2 months now an I am very impressed with the caring teachers and professionalism from the principal. Please message me if you have specific questions.

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garry1025 12 yrs ago
my daughter is now P2 in CAIS, she is very happy and enjoy her school life, all students speaks very good english, I can tell CAIS is a very good school. CAIS with Caring teachers and professionalism , nice and professional principal, our family love CAIS very much...yes please message me if you have question

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