Comparing Schools in Hong Kong

Posted by TSTGUY 13 yrs ago
Comparision between

St Pauls Convernt school

St Margaret,

Po Leung Kuk Camoles Chan

Which one is best and why ?

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TSTGUY 13 yrs ago
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lasez 13 yrs ago
I don't think many users of this site is familiar with these local schools.

suggest to go to edu-kingdom to check. if you can read chinese, get someone who can to help you.

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vivhunter 13 yrs ago
May I request the readers to provide some feedback on the Internation schools, ESF is most sought after but if anyone can provide feedback on other int schools would be helpful , criteria would be cost similar(or close) to esf and emphasis on mandrin

Also is there a central place where we can get detailed comparision of all int schools?

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Loyd Grossman is Miss Venezuela 13 yrs ago
According to my limited understanding of local reputations, I think it would be St Paul's Convent School (in Causeway Bay area) followed by St Margaret's. St Margaret's, I think is very good but just falls short of attracting the best in the Mid-levels area. However, I think St Paul's would be a first choice for many of the bright girls living in North Point, Happy Valley, Wan Chai & CWB. I'm not familiar with Po Leung Kuk Camoles Chan. Best check with a local. I'm a westerner but my wife is HK Chinese and we put our kids through the local system.

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rescuerhelper 13 yrs ago
I would say St. Paul is the best out of the three!

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TSTGUY 12 yrs ago

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slowbiker 12 yrs ago
I agree with .........try and think what school would match your kid rather than think what school is 'the best'.......& offers another point-of-view. Local parents takes into account who were old "boy/girl" from a school, together with social background of parents in the school; as they view it as important for their child to have well-connected classmates later on...........& St Paul scores high in this area.

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missiu 12 yrs ago
I would also say St Paul is the best

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