Female domestic helper driving

Posted by Kat22mick 18 yrs ago
I have a few questions regarding female drivers:

1)The ones with HK driver license, are they hired as a domestic helper. If so, can they do housework as well as driving?

2) What are the wages for these drivers/domestic helpers?

3) If I employ a domestic helper, can I get her to learn driving in HK? I'd supposed that might be quite complicated & involve a lot.

I see some women Filipino driving in the street, but I am not sure if that is legal & how to go about this?

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souffleQueen 18 yrs ago
As GV said, a permission is needed from the Immigration Department for her to be able to drive. They will ask you to submit the car registration, plate number/s, insurance etc..etc. YHes, they can still do houseworks BUT you are very, very lucky if you could find one who will accept a minimum pay. As far as I k now , the going on rate for helpers with license is somewhere around 5K.

A helper who has a drivng license form the Philippines NEEDS to have a HK license BEFORE permission could be asked from ID ( exemptions are made to those who got international driving license but they still need local one )

At Cara--- you are correct. In fact , I could name a few dozens in my network alone.

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abitnaive 18 yrs ago
hi kat

we have a male domestic helper who acts as our driver, since i am legally unable to drive in hong kong.

if you invested the time to take your helper driving, or gave the helper time off to take buses and learn the routes that are most important to your children (school, park n shop, activities, friends houses,) as well as basics (star ferry, pacific place) it wouldn't take very long at all.

female domestic helpers with driver's licenses tend to be very rare and very valuable commodities in hong kong, the three ladies i chat with at the swimming pool who are dh's and have the licenses have salaries ranging from $5,400 - $7,600. one lives in kowloon tong, one lives in happy valley, one lives shouson hill.

hope this helps.

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