I'm afraid I spoke too soon

Posted by annieh 14 yrs ago
For some you, you will have read my post about our DH, debt collectors and my husband and I deciding to give our helper the benefit of doubt.

I really tried to be patient about this and her non performance. As a friend said to me, if I put a bit faith in her, maybe that would help. Afraid but I spoke too soon. The helper 'lost' her hkid card over the weekend but didn't tell us until late today, and in a roundabout way. Even then there were holes in the story and differences between why was told to my husband and what was said to me.

Why is it that we As employers treat the DH right but never the same.....is it too much to expect that if we open our house and lives to a DH that a r'ship could be built rather than just being classified as demanding and high maintenance?

Why is it that DH lik

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annieh 14 yrs ago
Sorry everyone I tried to correct the wording but the edit function is not working properly

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Susie1 14 yrs ago
You need to report the loss to the Police straight away, in case it may have been handed in, they should tell you about the proceedure of getting another one.

As the card is biometric, and will only react to her fingerprints, I doubt whether anybody else could use it for illegal purposes.

However, if her stories are different to you and your husband, there is something not quite right going on, and maybe she is trying to hide something.

I had a helper who was terrible and knew every trick in the book helpers can do,it was a real 'eye opener' having her around, she is gone for good as we didn't give her a good reference, she couldn't get another job in HK, thank goodness!

One of her female cousins is in Jail here, for trying to smuggle in a stack of forged passports from Fils for dodgy DH's, but they caught her at the airport.

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