Helper ticket home?

Posted by Chatterbox2012 13 yrs ago
Hi All,

Am a bit confused here - this is our helpers' third contract with us. June 2011 - June 2013. Within this contract we have already paid for her to go home to the Phils once (in December). It's a bit of an expensive ticket as she needs to take three flights to get home.

We are releasing her early as we are relocating this June 2012. Going to pay her the 5 year long service. But she also wants a ticket home now. One way.

Do we need to do this if we've already paid in December 2011 for a round trip?

Any advice would be great. I want it to all end well!


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Chatterbox2012 13 yrs ago
Um - so... Do I owe her a ticket? Anyone?

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Chatterbox2012 13 yrs ago
Thanks Cara! Appreciate your response.

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