Black-listed helpers

Posted by MLuk 13 yrs ago
Does anyone of you know of any sites where we can check if our helper has been black-listed before.

I think background check is important before we sign the contract...

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Ed 13 yrs ago
I'd suggest you ask to contact a previous employer or two...

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royroy2007 13 yrs ago
Can go for

They have a forum about those Black list helper name, you even can learn a lot about how those bad helper cheating and it really wide up your eyes

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bkchu 13 yrs ago
I think we should also follow and start our own blacklist here at asiaxpat. What do you guys think?

Even contact previous employers might not be a reliable source cos' sometimes the ex-employers may find it too troublesome to stay the truth, or the agent may give you a fake contact to talk to

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Ed 13 yrs ago
I wonder what people would think if their employers (banks, law firms, accounting firms etc...) started a black list of staff they had released....

All sounds good until you get onto that list - and, as someone has stated, you are unable to present your side of the story... putting an end to your career...

It's not something we'd allow here - and I wouldn't recommend doing this - as it definitely exposes you to a libel suit...

My suggestion when hiring a helper - or hiring any staff at any level...

Is to ask for past employer references and call those previous employers ...

If the helper won't provide this - or there are any holes in the history that cannot be explained...

Don't hire her.

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englishsuccess 13 yrs ago
I know this may sound a little extreme but I always interrogate my future helpers and employees. I start off lightly with a bit of gentle water-boarding and then if I'm not satisfied that they are telling the truth about their past pilfering indiscretions then I'll go for the full-on 16th century ducking stool in Victoria Harbor. Always gets the truth in the end.

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ranny 13 yrs ago
fair enough when there's Black-listed employers?

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mavy11 13 yrs ago
Unfortunately many of these helpers are subjected to slave-like conditions. Just ask the helper of the Hong Kong police chief who was beaten when she fell asleep while massaging the wife's feet at 3am. my helper used to get locked in a room, beaten with an umbrella and had hot soup poured on her. The employer thought she was in the right the entire time and I'm sure would have black listed her if she could have when my helper left.

Food for thought.

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info_chanlee 13 yrs ago
["Unfortunately many of these helpers are subjected to slave-like conditions. Just ask the helper of the Hong Kong police chief who was beaten when she fell asleep while massaging the wife's feet at 3am. my helper used to get locked in a room, beaten with an umbrella and had hot soup poured on her. The employer thought she was in the right the entire time and I'm sure would have black listed her if she could have when my helper left.

Food for thought."]

Above statement is absolutely misleading. Abuse is part of every siciety. Peope abuse their own childre/parents/close relatives. Thre are cases where people have abused their own children more than their helpers. DH abuse no doubt exists, but not as widespread as you are trying to make it. Threr are problems on bot sides i.e helpers/employers but this is part of every day life. No party is completely innocent or guilty. Hope there is a database about EVIL employers/helpers based on the out come court judgements.

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cp1972 13 yrs ago
Our DH has many friends, and tells us some horrible stories. Abuse, withheld payments, excessive working hours, no food except instant noodles, even suicide etc.

Hearing these stories its no wonder Philippine helpers dont like to work for HK people.

Now HK people can only take from Indonesia, where they are still willing to accept the slave conditions offered.

Often the DH is better educated than the lowly employer who happen to be lucky enough to be able to pay her. Having a bachelor/college educated woman work for some old fart, who probably cant even read, and who dont wash with soap, would create problems anywhere in the world.

Bottom line is that HK people should take responsibility for their own households, like most people in the developed world do, OR realize how lucky they are that they can afford help, and grateful that someone want to service them. But no, they dont. Instead they think they have purchased a slave. On the flip side, the DH accept this because she can make 5 times the normal salary of home, and for the prospects it gives of feeding the family, educating the children etc. back home.

There may be some bad ones, like there are everywhere, but bottom line is that most of them were pushed in the first place, by a rotten attitude by the employers.

A black list should include all HK employers, until proven that they dont belong in that list.

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punter 13 yrs ago
just think about it, the employers are banned from hiring or blacklisted not by the helpers but by the consulates of fdh providing countries.

who therefore should blacklist the helpers? in my view, it should not be the employers.

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