What am I doing wrong?

Posted by roseortulip 14 yrs ago
I am desperately trying to hire a helper. I have young kids, I work, I really need someone available ASAP. Due to the role as a caregiver, I cannot compromise on quality and reliability though. So far, however, after 5 weekends of interviewing all Sunday long (exhausting, time away from my kids and my only time out during my own week), I have not been successful. The girls are way below average, and if I find a good match (3 attempts so far), it turns south (i.e. the girl says yes, and then disappears and never returns a phone call).

My questions are:

1. Do I mistakenly assume that supply/demand is in favor of employers and so a girl should be happy to get an offer? Is there in effect a shortage of helpers in HK?

2. Do I use the wrong channels? So far, listings on AsiaXPat. Agncies seem to be doing a por job. Is there an Agency that's really of high quality? Not just browsing the internet and doing no screening at all? If you know of one can you pls advise?

3. Is offering 5,000 a bad offer or what????

Thanks for your help

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Susie1 13 yrs ago
I think you are doing the right thing being carefull and looking for quality and reliability.Ask around friends and work colleages if they know anybody re-locating who might have a really good helper for hire, then get a face to face interveiw with the last employer.

Unfortunatelely a lot of helpers can be very choosy, some like to work near friends, relatives, some dislike working for certain nationalities or race, and some would prefer the eay option of looking after a small dog (if another employer offered that), rather than look after children. I dismissed one who was a 'real pain in the buttock', but she tried to get other work and turned it down, because she wouldn't work for Chinese or 'dark skinned' people, and even didn't like white people who didn't speak English or tagalog, and didn't want to work for people with children under 7yrs old either.Our ex helper went home for good as a result. thank goodness. Some helpers also say they prefer 'live out' ilegally, so they can mess around at night, or do illegal part time. NO, helpers are not in short supply, there are plenty around, but you need to find the right 'fit' for your family. Maybe if you are interveiwing and think you have found the right helper, ask them if they would be willing to take the job if offered, and tell them at the time you will let them know within the next 24hrs or so. Some may be at the end of their visa time and have to leave HK before you get round to offering the job. They only usually get 2 wks allowed at the end of one contract to find a job or leave HK.

The wage you are offering is more than enough, as the basic is just under 4,000hkd, and if they have food allowance that is 700 hkd /month, or they share the same food as you which can be more costly.

I will send you a PM with a couple of suggestions where you might find helpers.

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axptguy38 13 yrs ago
1. Nope. Plenty of supply. If a helper doesn't want the job, or is annoying you with her antics, move on.

2. AsiaXpat is fine. There are many other agencies that are good but remember agencies FIND candidates. They do not VET candidates.

3. 5000 is fine but I would recommend offering 4000 up front, and saying the salary will be raised to 5000 after six months if she performs well. Note also Susie1's comment about food allowance.

Go to an agency on Sunday and sit there for a couple of hours interviewing all the candidates you can find, even if they don't fit your criteria. Even a five minute chat with a "poor" candidate is good to get a feel for things.

Two things are paramount. Any other requirement is secondary to these two.

- Attitude, i.e. willingness to learn, initiative, etc.

- Chemistry with you and your family.

A helper with a good attitude can learn to cook or whatever. A good cook with a bad attitude cannot learn a good attitude.

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mpf62 13 yrs ago
I am having same problem... send a text inviting for an interview, they accept with many thanks... then simply don't even show up! So it can't be my interviewing or my salary offer, as they haven't even heard it! Zero reliability. Most don't even bother to send a text back saying they changed their minds, just keep me waiting.

So i too am looking for good help, anyone has any pointers or suggestions, please let me know.

2 kids, no dogs. Older kid is 6 and spends all day at school.

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doanni 13 yrs ago
Susie1, can you send me a PM with the same info you sent to roseortulip?

I am in a similar situation.

Many thanks.

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