Posted by
20 yrs ago
Does anyone have any experience in doing this? She is part of our family now and if it is possible I would really like to look into it?
Any nice responses are very welcome any negative responses are welcome too.
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I would be interested in this as well. My DH said that they are looking into the possibility of doing so. I got the impression that it would be something that we may be able to do in years to come. Sorry I couldnt answer you question.
Tell me whats so negative about wanting to have help around the house when you go home???
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Negative points :
(1) how much are you paying her? Based on HK basis or Australian basis? If the latter is higher, are you willing to pay? If not, will she run away after she knows the truth?
(2) Part of the family? You consider her as part of the family but have you ever asked her whether she consider you as part of the family and does she want to go as well? Make sure that your 'love' is not one way.
I know this is a very personal feeling about someone but I cld never understand how people could consider their helper as part of the family. If she is, she will do things for you for free. If your reason is because you kids love her and they cant let go, then you get to let you kids understand that life cant be perfect. Or just that YOU get used to have full time domestic help while you live here and you think you cant do without it now.
Enough for now?
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But of course, I wish you all the best and good luck in the long process.
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The Aust Govt allows two visas for your DH in each 12 month period (one month each). I wouldnt think (do not know tho) that they would allow you to "sign" her in Aust. As an earlier post mentioned, there is minimum wage and it is heaps more than they get here. Did a search and it appears to be around $470 AUD or $2,900 HK (current rate of exchange) per week. I guess like here, you have to be a necessary commodity and keep in mind, the very real "problem" of the fillipino bride in Aust. All the best. You are fortunate to have a helper you think of so highly.
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20 yrs ago
You mustcheck the australian government website for immigration.
There is a category where domestic helpers are allowed to enter australia - for a minimum of two years - this however is only for those people who can satisfy immigration that is necessary for their stay in australia -ie.. diplomatic staff who are coming to have a expat stint in aus and need to bring the traditional household staff (language issues etc) or businessmen coming to aus for a certain period of time to conduct business who will bring household staff - i think they have to be overseas organisations or employed from overseas but you may be able to arrange this. You could always give it a go and see how it turns out. Would be great if they would allow dh to enter the same as here in HK (ableit with better packages) I think many families would use them with two parents working and divorce rates skyrocketing because of domestic stress. The only similar category for immigration that Australia currently has is for aupairs, but I don't think the Phillipines or Indonesia is one of the counries participating. Onc eagain they can only come for 1 year and work a max of 35 hours. Wages are much lower however as they include food and board $150 - $200 a week austalian. They are supposed to only work for each employer for 3 months but everyone I know who has had an aupair has had them stay the whole year with no problems as they do not check where you are working. Check out the website they have a section on immigration for each country. If your helper is the right age/nationality you may be able to do this for a while. Phillipines/Indonesia is not currently listed but they said this may change soon and they person has to be under the age of 30. If your are really keen speak to a good immigration consultant in australia - there are often ways to present your application that will get a positive result you just have to know the process and which boxes to tick in which order.
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Thanks Ness and NLW - very helpful advice. And to the others, I am fully aware of minimum wage and benefit requirements in Australia - I own my own business there and have employees, though I also know that there was recently a case in OZ where some asian lady kept a maid locked in a basement for 10 years without pay - but honestly I didn't have that in mind. I will have to pay for fulltime childcare at home and when I do the maths, it is sitll a viable option to try and take her back with us. And to Mighty - she asked me about coming back with us - not the other way round. Though as NLW very rightly pointed out I am concerned about no social outlet as they have here and I am sure that that will be the make or break issue if it came about that we were able to take her back.
Once again thanks to all the really helpful responses.
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