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19 yrs ago
What Christmas present do you plan to offer to your helper ??? Will you give her extra money too ? How much ? I've heard some people give an extra month....
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19 yrs ago
we give our domestic helper a one month bonus at chinese new year, and for Christmas we give her either a bonus flight home and spending money, or $3500 in spending money, as well as some little gifts (ie: photo frames) from the children. in hong kong it is typical to have the 13th month bonus.
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I believe that if your domestic helper is one of the higher paid it is not necessary to do the 13 month bonus.Totally up to the individual.
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There is no norm on this one. I do not give a CNY bonus as I do not get one myself and less and less people are getting them now a days and nor do I celebrate the CNY holiday. I do give Christmas Presents as I consider Christmas to be about giving presents rather than money but I do also give money in a card with the presents normally HK$700. Go with what you feel comfortable doing and what you can afford.
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I give my helper $1,000 for Xmas plus a little present. I also give her about $500 for CNY. She gets bonuses during the year based on her performance for that month. My helper is very happy with that. Again, whatever you are comfortable with and can afford.
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We are leaning towards a present for our helper and maybe some cash too for Xmas. Cash would seem more practical, but our helper sends all/most of her salary back to her family back home and keeps very little on herself. Challenge now is finding something(s) she would like and can use.
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I usually give a gift for Christmas like a photo frame for her kid's photos or a warm jacket. Maybe small gifts she can send back to her kids. For CNY, I usually give a red packet.
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19 yrs ago
I usually give my helper a few small gifts to inwrap like toiletries, a jumper etc to the value of around $300. I know money would go back to her family and she never gets anything for herself. It seems mean compared to everyone else here, but honestly I don't see why I should spend more on her than a close friend, and certainly not more than I would spend on my kids which would be the case if I followed the advice above. My husband doesn't get a 13th month anymore or CNY bonus.
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19 yrs ago
To Mrs Miggins, it sounds more than enough to me. Sometimes I wonder why we feel we have to give them anything, I certainly never got presents from my employers when I worked, neither does my husband. Sometimes you might get something small from a work colleague like chocolates etc, but why do so many of you feel you have to spend so much when you are their employer.
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19 yrs ago
As an afterthought Mrs Miggins, I do find it strange that you spend $150 on your in laws but spend several thousands on your helper.
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I guest cbdc is a domestic helper.
They are the pople who use their brain to mazimum potential when cheating, lying and beggin money.
Or perhaps cbdc's helper is really nice.
If so you are very lucky. Finding a good DH is one in a million.
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19 yrs ago
your second suggestion is correct - our domestic helper has initiative, honesty, she knows boundaries and isn't afraid to tell me when something has gone pear shaped or ask how i would like my children disciplined when they misbehave. i trust her with the most loved "possessions" i "have" - and wish to show her gratitude and appreciation. you are right, i am extremely lucky. i have even had friends approach me and say, "if ever you are leaving, please let me know and i will hire her..."
NSI - i think you are extremely kind to give your helper such a lovely present, given last year's experience. not sure about salary, but without sounding too distrusting, have you taken any measures to ensure that your helper returns when you expect her to?
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