swimming lessons for domestic helpers

Posted by Liesbeth Ramondt 19 yrs ago
Does anybody know where I can send my DH for swimming lessons? Often we send our children out for a swim in the pool or at the beach without the DH being able to swim.

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Liesbeth Ramondt 19 yrs ago
I was not looking for the obvious, I was obviously looking for specially arranged swimming lessons for DH.

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Liesbeth Ramondt 19 yrs ago
practically speaking, how many DH helpers here in HK can actually swim?? and bring our kids to the beach. Not even 5 % I would reckon. Anyway, My message was for searching info only, not to acquire anyones opinions. FYI, I just want to my DH the lessons because she never got the chance to learn.

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miming 19 yrs ago
Who said its prohibited?I brought my helper whenever we swim to our club pool,shes a good swimmer and very reliable in looking after my children in the water, in fact we never hire anybody to teach them they learn swimming from my FDH.What is the difference of employer and helper swimming together?

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Life 19 yrs ago
with all the talk of people not allowing DH's to use their washing machines, maybe they will have to drain the pool! if they stick their toes in the water...

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chedz 9 yrs ago
I Pray that God touch a good person who knowledgable in Swimming, PIano and Guitar offer to all DH. Me and my friends willing to at join to be learn at the same time to work in regular days as DH. Joining in such activity can also help us not to homesick away from loveones/family.
Please email me cdelapaz1648@gmail.com to help us to learn.
God Bless to the people touch by God to help us in some free lesson to offers.

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scorpio01 9 yrs ago

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