Thinking of firing helper (again!!!)

Posted by cd 19 yrs ago
Re the breakages, you are entitled to take up to $300 a month out of her wages to pay for breakages, maybe if you did that a couple of times, it will prompt her to be more careful.

I'm with you, I don't particularly like having a live in helper either.

Could you get a part timer - legally of course-. Or do you have a friend you could pay to look after your baby while you train. I'd do it if I lived near you, it would be a great way to earn a little pocket money.

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happychick 19 yrs ago
Mrs Miggins, I hated having a helper as well and I agree, it's absolute bliss without one. I enjoy doing everything myself and am only just thinking of getting a part time cleaner in a couple of months time just before baby no.2 arrives. I'm probably luckier than most where I have my mother in law to babysit now and again when I need an evening out, but saying that, it doesn't happen very often as she lives on HK island and we in the NT and she is very much a busy, busy tai tai!

I'll probably start looking for legit part time help in a couple of weeks and if and when the time comes, let me know if you want more details and I'll pass along my research.

Good luck and hope you decide what to do before you go mad!

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KrisL 19 yrs ago
Hmm, sounds a bit strange that she would feel compelled to wash a pair of brand new (& assumably clean)pair of shoes, and even a domestic helper would understand not to wash a pair of suede shoes in water.

Sounds like a deliberate act to me so if she is indeed destroying your property because she hates your guts, then if I were in your shoes (pardon the pun) I would think twice about leaving a 4 month old baby alone with a helper who is both careless and angry..

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littlemissy 19 yrs ago
Sounds like she just want a free ticket & one month salary to go home. Just deduct $300 from her each month and at the meantime look for a new maid. If you can afford get a native nanny for your baby & as for the cleaning get a cleaning agent or part time maid.

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miming 19 yrs ago
just curious Mrs Miggins,where's your helper came from as you mentioned last time shes a straight chinese.She seems so naive not to notice all those carelessness.

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littlemissy 19 yrs ago
Sorry Mrs Miggins. You are not the only one. Don't be so generous to your DH next time. In Hong Kong there is no protection for employer against maids like that. Get her to write an apology letter everytime she breaks something & damage something. After that you can fire here without paying her one month salary. DH do not appreciate our kindness they just think that we have too much money. It is impossible to get good help. The reason they came here is for the money not the job. My son is 4 years now and I've fired a dozen of maids already. I am still looking for one. Sometime I wish that they have a English childcare centre so that our children can be look after by professional child carer. Instead of these selfish mummies.

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john5023 19 yrs ago
littlemissy, a dozen helpers in around four years? Sounds like you really need help!

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miming 19 yrs ago
Well,Littlemissy my DH appreciate my kindness,has been working with my family for almost 4 yrs now.I appreciate her for taking good care of my whole family, because we count her as one member of our family and she did also in return.Every people who came here its because of money thats why we need to work.Now,most of our helpers came from other places , we may say "they are only a maid or helper " but they have feelings as well.My helper give more than she take.I really appreciate for all the things she done for my family.

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wendy7 19 yrs ago
Miss M, have only read your threads. Darling girl, get rid of her.... Recall my pearls of wisdom on your other thread ;) There are so many fine lassies out there. I wash suede shoes...what the *&%$ was she thinking?! We got rid of our careless helper who couldnt care less, and havent looked back. We have a delightful, considerate and respectful helper who is a breath of fresh air and house proud too. You dont need another child to look after. All the best MM.

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littlemissy 19 yrs ago
Don't feel bad Mrs Miggins. I am sure the next one with be better. Take good care of yourself that what u need.

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Laverne 19 yrs ago
Mrs M - now is not the time to back down. She wasn't doing the job that you employed her to do to a standard that you required. You gave her chances. You must remember why you hired her - to make your life easier, not harder. It might be distressing to let her go now, but when the situation continues, and you have to do it again later, it will be much worse for both of you. Good luck in finding a helper who actually helps you - they are out there, it just might take you a while!

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gimme5 19 yrs ago
Mrs Miggins, g

Good luck in finding your right helper. There ARE great helpers around!

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wendy7 19 yrs ago
Hi Mrs M. Well done. Your story sounded far too disturbingly familiar. My ex helper did the tears thing and then bagged me so severely in my suburb that I still get weird looks from the DH's. Dont feel guilty - she was obviously incompetent and like mine, yours hid behind the fact that you know she is good with your child and so nothin' else matters. Wrong, lah.

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flabbergasted 19 yrs ago
If I did a really incompetant job at work, I would have no other way than to get sacked by my boss. Who would give a sh*t about that????

Answer - nobody.

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Oceanview 19 yrs ago
I feel that we - as employers - should show more patience and generos towards maids. After all, we are in far better situation than they are in. My maid has been with me for 1 1/2 years and there has been numerous occasions that I wanted to fire her but I didn't. Over this past 4 days holiday, my helper asked me if she can sleep out and I allowed her. But then Sunday noiht, she came home to sleep at our flat and left early Monday morning again to continue her holiday. After she left (I hardly saw her as she came home very late Sunday night and she was gone before I got up Monday morning) I noticed she not only cleaned up the kitchen and the living room, she even did the laundry and had clothes folded and stacked at one corner. She was not obligated to do any of these, yet she did purly out of her kindness. Sometimes, it takes time for mutual respect to grow and we need to give some time for DH to adjust. You can bet that my helper will get extra bonus tomorrow morning.

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dimac4 19 yrs ago
How about you actually write in english - not SMS - so the old people here can read what you have written.

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@@ 19 yrs ago
I believe it was the second time the original poster thought about getting rid of the same helper (after a second chance).

Personally I see nothing wrong with firing a helper who isn't working out, just as an employer can resign if they are unhappy - seems pretty simple to me.

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HappyHongKongers 19 yrs ago
This is an interesting discussion because we have had our (first) domestic helper for a couple of months and are going through some similar problems. We hired a helper to help with our new born baby but are finding that there are serious trust issues. She seems help herself to food and (we suspect) cosmetics as well as telling white lies. This makes use constantly suspicious and almost paranoid.

As we are a working couple we will rely on the maid to take care of the baby and we cannot rely on someone that we do not trust.

I would like to ask what responsibility the employer has if they terminate the a domestic helper contract.

What payments need to be made to the helper eg return airfare, severance, holiday etc?

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ellie55 19 yrs ago
hihihi,im beginning to suspect that iradolphingirl is a dh reckon?many a times,i wanted to fire my helper too because she broke things,lost things here and there,but after reading these posts,i m also beginning to appreciate her least,i do not have to hawk at her all the times,she always finds work to do,and great with my kids,cooks well too.

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dolphingirl 19 yrs ago

yes! i am dh..., i just fell unfair most employer think that their are good,right in everyway.., and i think my employer good too..

but i did not know that she was real snake

with 2 head.

i was the one who terminated the contract, and i have given noticed to her she never wanted to sign the termination contract, she said she would make it or she would handle everything, i trust her.

i asked her on 22 april wheter when will be te termination date , she said the contract had not terminated yet.

finnaly 1 may she asked me to leave and said shye terminated the contract on 24.

i was mad and upset,..... she knew i would do something , she beg me for so many reason , she said she said if the contract terninated before april so she dont have to pay levy.

she said many reason that i know was lies...

i wanted to report all the unfair thing she had done since i worked for her from 1 time but i fell pity only she doesnt feel pity of me.

i could not belive.... she said her saving was too little but i owned restaurant...

if i were employer and she was helper .. i probably already in the police office.

but think about she helped me when i m in need

that made me think twise to fight back.

now.. i m still in hk , just left 1 week cos she took my 1 week, without paying anymoney..,without saying sorry.. only begging me not to asked her to pay cos her saving was too little that what she said or giving her trouble.

i could not resist looking into her eyes when she asked me to sign the termination date the end of the month.

i know its unfair, and she knew that.. i dont mind.. dont think thats i m just so damn stupid,cos i did not wan to talk anymore, i just sign it and take my termination paper, tore it infront of her cos i dont need it.

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miming 19 yrs ago
"she said her saving was too little but i owned restaurant"??cant understand what you are talking about.

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