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19 yrs ago
sadly, my helper's father passed and she is leaving to go back to the philipines. she says she wants to stay 1 month and in that time decide if she wants to come back to HK or just stay home. I am in need of help while she is away. Stuck because I need help here with kids and dog and don't have the flexibility to give her. Not really sure how to handle this. Don't want to terminate her but can't just wait for her either.... any suggestions out there??
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19 yrs ago
It is a tough time for her and she probably not thinking straight. I don't think its fair that she keep you hanging for 1 month while she decides on her next move. She is allowed 2 weeks off a year, right? You can probably give her that time to go home and take care of stuff. If she doesn't come back after that then you should probably look for a replacement. In the meantime, look into hiring part time help. 1 month is just not fair to you. Talk to her and hopefully come up with a compromise to suit both of you. Put everything in writing so it clear to both of you what was agreed on. Good luck.
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thank ya'll so much for your suggestions. I told her to go back and that I would need an answer from her by mar 3 and in the meantime I'll start interviewing and also get some p-t help in. Really appreciate your time! thanks
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Ransomed? 2nd thoughts? Nightmare?
Her father died.
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19 yrs ago
I hate to sound cynical but I've heard many stories of helpers saying their relatives have died just to get long holidays. And a month seems a long time for a funeral, my mother passed away last year, I went back for 12 days and we got everything dome in less than that time.
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Geiboyi - At my place of employment back home, we were given three days for grievance - even if it was our spouse. One week is not unreasonable.
On another note - doesn't it seem that death is quite commonly used for obtaining means. I read through many of the references of the DHs listed on this site and found sooooo many - far too many have listed that their employer died and so they had to be terminated early. I know death is common, but that common?
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namaste, the helper next door was let go because the person she was taking care of died. It happens.
cd, yes, you sound cynical. My current helper's former employer refused to let her go home for her father's funeral, even for a few days. She could have gone home for the funeral but then she would have had no job to return to.
Back where I am from, you could always take some unpaid leave if you needed more time to grieve and hardly anyone would fault you if you did.
Back on topic, I agree that one month is unfair to the OP, but 1-2 weeks is not unreasonable. And, the OP is doing the right thing by interviewing other helpers in the meantime.
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luv it good... you said you may have someone available?? how can we exchange information...??
thanks to you all with suggestions. Been trying to get in touch with no avail! Think I've been snubbed.
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OOOOOOOH! So sorry. Hope things work out and you find someone soon.
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