Octopus card missing

Posted by georgie10 19 yrs ago
What would you do? Husband's Octopus card is missing. Has been by his bedside table for two whole days and helper doesnt know where it is. We surely didnt move it and I am 100% sure it was there. I have asked her to look for it and she says she cant find it. What would you do?

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dimac4 19 yrs ago
No kids in the house?

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john5023 19 yrs ago
You're kidding right?

While you say your helper is not too bright, do you think she is dumb enough to steal your Octopus card? There are a lot of easier things to steal in your household (such as your laundry powder and face creams).

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georgie10 19 yrs ago
Yes John, I do. She asked for her pay IN ADVANCE because she is flat broke (not her words - mine). Despite a $3,000 advance and $600 in food allowance, she still only packs one bread roll for the WHOLE day. In her file, she mistakenly forgot to remove a few recent pawn shop certificates. All written in Chinese so I dont know what she pawned. Yes, I reckon she took it. I suspect that she relied on my husband's ability to leave things lying around and perhaps it would look as tho HE had misplaced it. It has been a week and if that was the case it would have reappeared - we dont have a cluttered house.

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georgie10 19 yrs ago
Thanks green. Yeah. Heaps of grief already. She appears nice on the outside. Maybe I've got my rose colored glasses on with this too - I thought she was grand when I interviewed her. Maybe I'm not the great judge of character I thought I was. It's a generic card. Didnt know you could "own" one. Thanks for that.

Dimac, thanks for your reply too. Yes, one child. Toddler. Room ALWAYS closed so she doesnt go and jump on the bed!

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gimme5 19 yrs ago
Hello Georgie10,

If you suspect that some of your belongings were stolen - I suggest you report to the police, and let your maid know it. It happened to me before - when I asked the maid about the missing itmes she said she had absolutely no idea. Then I said in that case there might have been a bulgary so let's dail 999 and guess what - she said wait - and in 3 minutes time she found them and said " oh they were under the bed".

Sometimes it work, but in any event it will not hurt to let the cops do a throughout search - maybe you can ask them to translate the Chinese characters at the pawn shop receipts too!

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john5023 19 yrs ago
gimme5, would you really ask the police to come over to search for an octopus card? I have a hard time thinking they'll take the call seriously.

Easier solution is to release the helper and start with a new one.

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ritad 19 yrs ago
green manages to always give good advice..and true...cause most of us have gone through this process..i really think you should cut her loose..you will regret it if not....

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georgie10 19 yrs ago
Hi All. Just to update you - we terminated this helper after four weeks. My wonderful bottle of Chanel 5 (PARFUM) had been partially tipped out and replaced with water which made the perfume create a dirty sediment. I was away at the time and my normally non-observant hubby noticed the bottle with the tide out and emailed me a picture. This was one of countless (read: countless) things she did that totally backed our decision to sack her. The show stopper was a pocket full of Hershley's Kisses to bribe our two near old to do things (as she was cr&* with her) and this included bribing her for breakfast at seven in the morning! Gawd! Good riddance to bad rubbish. Brilliant having her out of our home.

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dimac4 19 yrs ago
good to hear there was a good resolution - however many things went wrong. Starting again with a new one soon??

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georgie10 19 yrs ago
Nup. No way. Never. Not worth the hassle. Have never minded cleaning my own loo. These ladies are supposed to be "HELPERS". The amount of extra work she created and the stress of it all was unbelievable. No dimac. No no no.....

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flabbergasted 19 yrs ago
All Octopus cards have codes on the back whether personalised or not and you can register them - or report the code and have them terminated.

Look on the back of your cards....you will all see the number imprinted....this you can even register at Wellcome to have some payback/discount system on all items purchased...and Watsons and some other places I believe...

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dimac4 19 yrs ago
georgie10 - LOL - know the feeling ----am looking to return to FT work, but trying to find ways of not having a FT DH again - do not need to extra stress you mention. I will be employing a local woman to help my keep the house tidy who comes in 2-3 hours day to do the washing, ironing and big jobs - no baggage, no invasion of privacy no dramas!

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Sukiyaki 19 yrs ago
Dimac4 - good idea! Now a local lady (Hong Konger) comes to my place to do the washing, ironing, cleaning etc p/t basis since I do not want to have any more stress just like you do. It works perfectly fine, no more lies, no more debt problem , no more grumpy face, no more taking advantage on my generosity etc etc.

Looking back, my days w/ ex-FDH was just a battle, which ended up in my 3kg lost.

I speak Cantonese just a little and the local helper speaks a little English, but language barrier isn't problem at all. Ironically although w/ a little language we can communicate much nicer than we did w/ ex-helper. I appreciate her doing the ironing, washing, cleaning, bedmaking in a professional way. She says she simply does her job.

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