Posted by
Snow Rose
19 yrs ago
I am in a difficult situation, and would appreciate any advice.
Just over a month ago one of my helpers stole a whole bag of baby clothes from my youngest son. I was upset and also worried that she might continue to steal from my family. I decided to replace her before she caused any further trouble.
I found someone else and we've signed the contract, which is now being processed by Immigration.
My question is, how to go about terminating the light-fingered helper? Should I be really strict and give her a summary dismissal for theft? Or soft and give her one month's notice?
Apart from the theft she works very well. The only other thing I am not happy with is that she 'borrows' my stuff without asking, even though I've specifically and repeatedly asked her not to, and doesn't give the items back when I ask for them. Once she snooped through my private things and 'borrowed' something really rather personal.
A summary dismissal seems a bit harsh, but if I give her a month's notice I'm really worried about her damaging my stuff when I'm out. I also feel it's a bit unfair for me to have to give her a month's money in lieu when she's been stealing from my family.
What to do?
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Theft is a bit difficult to prove unless you caught her in the act or you have a video monitor to show her actually stealing..
If I may ask, what were the items that she "borrowed" and never returned? Did you call her attention to this or at least express your dissatisfaction verbally, if not in writing?
When is her contract expiring?
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19 yrs ago
i think just give one month notice..thats point to make trouble.
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But really, if you are an employer and you don't tell your employee when they are doing something wrong (if it is a repeated thing, as you say it is), you are in effect letting them know it's ok, and you don't mind.
How do you know she stole the things? Did you find them in her room?
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Thanks for all your replies, guys. In response to some of the questions:
About the 'borrowing', yes I repeatedly and directly asked her not to borrow my stuff, but she still did it.
As for the theft, I don't have proof but I am sure of my facts. She had bagged up all the clothes and put them on her bed about an hour before she left for her day off. She left our flat with a large backpack. I checked her bed as soon as she'd left and the bags of clothes were gone. I've since checked thoroughly for the items concerned and they are nowhere to be found. My other helper is witness to all of the above.
The question is, though, do I need proof for a summary dismissal? It's not like I'm having her arrested, she's simply losing her job.
It's such a pity because otherwise she's a good helper. I wonder whether I need to 'get over it' or whether I am actually being too harsh?
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Haven't you already made up your mind with the signing on of another DH to replace her?
If she is continuing to use your stuff when you have asked her not to she is disrespectful and has no clue on the type of relationship that is required. Give her notice and pay her out- don't let her work the one month as there may be other stuff that goes missing that isn't as obvious.
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My mum usually checks the maid's bag whenever she leaves. Especially if it's her day off. When I say she checks, she really checks like one of those workers in the airport. My mum just tells her it's procedure and you have that right. Don't be too nice because they abuse it. I also think it's your fault. I think you're too nice.
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When I leave my place of work my bag is often checked. I work as a manager in a hotel. I accept that in a hotel there is a lot of opportunity for high-value things to go missing, and I have no objection to this practice.
But I cannot imagine how someone can 'trust' another person enough for them to live in their house, perhaps cook their food and look after their children and then search their personal belongings as they leave the house. Shocking. I hope the maid in question (Arianne's post, not the original) finds a way to pinch all of granny's jewels on her last day of work (unlikely, I realise - if the seach is like 'one of those workers in the airport' there will be tongs and rubber gloves involved. Poor helper...)
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there is no question asked, if she misbehaves or conducts herself inappropriately esp being "light-finger", she has to go. i had one helper also who takes home any item that can fit in her bag, be it toilet rolls, body spray etc..she is gone, simple as that.
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