Working hours for fulltime sleep out helper

Posted by 000Monkey 19 yrs ago
Hey there

My helper will start today on a full time basis but she stays in a boarding house and would like to keep it that way. This works perfect for us due to lack of space. I am not sure about salary though and the working hours she is supposed to do. So far I thought 09:00 to 18:00 MON to FRI (SAT and SUN off) with add on evenings in case of babysitting. Is that ok?


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helene.p 19 yrs ago

One question more, same request but from 7:30 to 19:00 MON to FRI and 7:30 to 15:00 SAT.


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chefcrsh 19 yrs ago
If your helper is on an employment visa it will be illegal. As to hours entirely up to you.

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geiboyi 19 yrs ago
I would start with slightly longer hours if I were you, and then reduce them later if that's what you want. With my first helper we had problems as every time we let her go home early (Sat. afternoons, for example), the next week there would be bad attitude if she had to work any later than the week before. It was just getting silly. She only lived in the flat upstairs, so it wasn't like she had to spend hourse travelling to work either. My new helper starts at 7 and sweeps and potters in the garden until I leave for work at 7.30 (or she just comes in and starts at 7.30 when it's raining), then works until I get home around 7. Sometimes she stays a bit later, and if we're late in town sometimes she stays until 10 or so, but not often.

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000Monkey 19 yrs ago
Thanks for all the good replies. So the salary is still 3320 right even if no SAT work is involved?

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@@ 19 yrs ago
Do you also pay her boarding house rent and additional for food and transport?

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@@ 19 yrs ago
Well hard to say, the original poster doesn't seem to have the situation sorted out as yet - I would hope they do pay the additional expenses otherwise it's a very megre salary after the cost of food and rent.

BTW, I wasn't trying to be "smart", it's just I wonder if the employer was aware that a live out helper would require a better than minimum wage salary to survive.

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dimac4 19 yrs ago
We had a live out - she worked from 6:45am - 7pm - BUT saying that - no one was home in the day, so I imagine she had lots of rest time - she managed to teach herself the piano during her employ with me...

1/2 day saturday - full day sometimes.

I would suggest you stipulate that some Saturday work may be involved but that you will let her know when that will be - this way you cover all bases in that she can't say she wasn't told....

You need to pay the minimum whether she works Saturday or not.

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helene.p 19 yrs ago
For TC:

It's not unreasonable for a full-time domestic helper to be on duty at breakfast time and also at dinner time, and as not many of us would work that spread of hours in our own jobs then it's also reasonable to expect that the helper should have some time off during the day.

=> Do you mean that I ask too much to my helper?

The timetable I ask for is closed to mine.

I work like a lot of women, and my boss will not accept a change of my timetable due to my helper!

Of course she will have quiet hours. It is impossible to clean the house from 7:30 to 19:00; overwise the house will be used soon! And my children can sleep or play alone.

Last question:

what is the salary for a live-out helper?

3320 is for a live-in.

7000-8000 for a live-out?


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dimac4 19 yrs ago
Re salary - we paid our helper her wage, then we paid the rent to where she was living, and paid her share of Gas electricity and water bills when they came in. She walked to our house, but if you were far away you would need to supply 'commuting 'allowances". If it rained ours would taxi to work, we would reimburse on receipt. Re food she would have breakfast and lunch at our place, so would get a meal allowance for 6 days (I think it was $20/day)+ basics that I would buy for her - rice, sauces etc.

You will need to check where she is staying to make sure it is safe and clean, own room or not, place for her valuables (passport etc). It ends up being up to $2500 more a month in expenses to have a helper live out.

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