Is it possible to extend existing contract by a few weeks?

Posted by MrsA 19 yrs ago
My helper has told me she wants to go back to the Philippines at the end of her current contract with us. Her contract ends a month before her working visa and ideally she would like to stay on working with us up until the visa expires. This means she would be working with no contract in place for 3-4 weeks. I have spoken to the Labour Department and Immigration Department, who seem to be saying this is ok (they were fairly vague), as long as we complete various forms to extend the current contract. I wonder if it is an easy, straightforward process, or much more complicated and therefore not really worthwhile. I also wonder where it places us regarding the levy, insurance, her rights (would she be entitled to any more holiday pay) etc. Has anyone else had to do this? Any constructive help/advice would be very much appreciated.

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whoever 19 yrs ago
I don't know the answers but - if I understand your post correctly ("SHE would like to stay on...") - you would at best be subjecting yourself to an awful lot of stress/ bureaucracy/ uncertainty for the sake of your DH benefiting from an extra month in HK.

Shouldn't the issue be what suits YOU rather than what suits her? Assuming you will need to find a new helper soon anyway, why subject yourself to an extra batch of admin?

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dimac4 19 yrs ago
I extended my helpers contract for 1 month - there was no drama - just resubmitted the papers as if they were renewing with a cover letter. If her visa is still valid there shouldn't be any drama!

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