Posted by
19 yrs ago
1) You owe her the passage. As you are leaving I think you could agree with her to give her what she would prefer - the ticket or the money (at an agreed rate). And I have a fairly good idea what she'll go for!
2) I'll attach some links below that'll provide the answers to the question.
3) Unfortunately you do. And unfortunately, as you are leaving and not re-employing you cannot carry over the balance to the next helper. You might just have to count yourself lucky that you didn't pay the levy in a lump sum at the outset. (And with that one I've often wondered who on earth would seeing that there's no reduction for paying a lump sum up front, yet the risks are greater.)
(Sorry, can't find the links right now but will come back with them.)
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19 yrs ago
Sorry, I seem to have lost the links. But if you go to an earlier post entitled "first time to employ a helper" from 'jfdavey' 12 days ago you'll find them there.
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