to renew or not?

Posted by Moppet 18 yrs ago
Miss P you need to be able to trust your helper she lives in your home after all. Everyone makes mistakes but it sounds like your helper has been dishonest with you on several occasions.

I personally wouldn't feel comfortable having her in my home or anyone who I couldn’t trust and depend upon. If your helper’s job was so important to her she would not put It at risk by lying to you so she can go see her boyfriend etc You might find that things go from bad to worse if you turn a blind eye and keep her on.

I would go with your head not your heart; and let her go and find someone else

If you feel you want to keep her on for your own reasons then you need to make it clear that there will be no more time off other than what she is entitled to and no more lying etc or you will terminate her immediately and inform Immigration of the reason why.

Your helper needs to take responsibility for herself and her future

Good luck

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souffleQueen 18 yrs ago
I've said this before in another thread that dishonesty reason enough to terminate your helper without notice.

Will write more later, I have to run for now, but please just because helpers like myself read and participate in here one should have qualms in posting a thread. This is a public forum, afterall.

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