Hello ,
I am leaving for my vacation in a week's time. My helper will be in Hong Kong as this is her first year of contract.
I am skeptical about leaving the entire house to her as once she mentioned somebody's boyfriend coming and sleeping with the helper when the family was away. The mere thought of a stranger intruding in my house makes me sick.. Although it might not happen , that she is sensible enough not to ask somebody to come home , but still as none of us will be in Hk for about a month, what should I do? I am not at all
What do's and don'ts you recomend for letting her be in the house by herself.
What do other people do when they leave for vacation?
I need some advices pls.
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18 yrs ago
When we left for two weeks last summer we felt the same. There are some things you may tell her to TRY to avoid strangers.
1. Don't tell her you leave for one month. Tell her that it will be a few days and you don't know when you'll be back exactly.
2. You informed the security guards about your abcense and they'll let you know if she brought somebody in.
3. Your mother/sister/cousin/whoever may come for a number of days and stay in your apartments. You'll call her later to confirm.
4. Leave a gudget looking like a video camera near the entrance door. It will video-tape anybody entering your apartment...lol
Personally, I did numbers 1-3 (a friend did number 4). It worked to a certain extent: I know that nothing was stolen by potentially suspicious friends of my DH. I don't know though she really had brought somebody in or not...
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