Agency charges helper - how much?

Posted by Katetam 18 yrs ago
12 000 HKD for some agencies for those who are from overseas. That's the most recent "high" I have heard.

Some pay just $ 3000 HKD for those who are already in HK.

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Ed 18 yrs ago
Cut our the agency altogether and hire direct

Or use our agency for 2k.

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tsuiwah 17 yrs ago
Is it true that an agency can only charge a helper 10% of her salary to help her get a new job? What if they charge more? Can we file a complaint with a government agency or negotiate it down to 10%?

We are considering a helper that we found via an agency and they are apparently charging her north of HK$10,000, of which part is paid in HKG and the bulk is paid in the Philippines, in addition to what they would charge us.

I have no problem paying a finders fee, but charging HK10,000+ seems excessive for what is essentially an introduction and we don't want any prospective helper just paying off these fees for the first several months.

One prospective helper has suggested we both go to a different agency that would charge her a lot less, but even though neither of us signed any binding contracts with the agency, I am not comfortable doing that at the moment.

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evildeeds 17 yrs ago
Agreed with above. The charges here don't really mean a thing. The same companies have their branches in the Philippines and get around the laws here by charging the bulk there. Which means the maids that are hired are often in debt for a year or 2 before they are able to send any money home. A sad situation really, and to be honest the HK government could be a little more pro-active in explaining the full procedures for hiring maids in the first place. This would certainly put a dent in the way agencies operate and would allow more people to make a choice on how and where they employ maids.

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souffleQueen 17 yrs ago
We're talking of two different cases here..

1. Are those helpers /applicants who are in the Philippines who found employment through the agency. They are the one who has to pay as much as 3-5 months wages up front ( on top of what they charges to the employer) some agent will require just a 50% down payment and the rest will be through financing that charges somewhere between 2-3% /month times the number of months of repayment. So let's say it was for 10k, 2.5% and for 10 months, the interest would come up to 2.5K! So yes, the helper has to pay this finance company and whoever she borrowed from to come up with the cash payment on top of all tests, papers etc..etc that becomes the requirements though you could not find it anywhere in the contract/guidelines. So why do you think most helpers barely survive on their wages and are in debts?

The other cases are those who found the employers themselves or has relatives/friends who found for them. In this case, the employer will pay somewhere around 2-4k depending on which agent the patronize and bthe helper has to pay for medical, passports, TESDA seminars etc. Even that could come up a month's wage.

Those who only has to pay for 10% of their first pay are those who are based in HK and has registered ( some for free, others for a fee) in that agency.

BUT-- ...

and yes here's the big BUT-- that "rule" does not apply for Indonesian helpers. The sad fact is that, these lot, whether they have finished their contract or not still has to pay AT LEAST 5k to their agent 9-12k if they have to go back to Indonesia.

Damning, isn't it? And I did ask several friends who runs/owns an employment company and the answer is that... " that 's the way it is"

I could be wrong, and for once, I hope that I am.

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tsuiwah 17 yrs ago
If I want to file a complaint against the agency regarding their fees, to whom should I address it?

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