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18 yrs ago
I am hoping to get some input on a dilemma.
My family and I are moving to Hong Kong in 3 weeks (s… its close now :-)).
My husband and I went on a go-see trip in July, and saw a number of apartments. However I was quite horrified with the standards of the maid’s room. There were all very small, and some without windows and doors!!
So I was thinking to offer our maid the guest room, which typically is situated in the middle of the apartment. However we will be having visitors quite a lot and in these periods we have no choice but to let the maid sleep in the maid’s room
When I introduced this idea to my friend – who has grown op in Hong Kong – she told me that this would not be doing the maid a favour, since the maids prefer their privacy in the maids rooms with their own entrance (the backdoor) in order to get in and out unnoticed.
Now – I interviewed 5 maids while in Hong Kong on out go-see trip, and every time I asked them a question I got the answer “whatever you prefer madam” so I doubt I will get an honest answer from the maid if I ask what SHE prefers.
What are your experiences with this – please let me hear your opinions.
Best regards boedker.
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18 yrs ago
Even if small you can maximise the space. Get a loft bed, which frees up all the floor space, so you should be able to fit a chair, cupboard, maybe one of those small fold down tables from Ikea, and still leave room to turn around. Paint the walls, put a rug down and blinds up. Most helpers will be glad to have their own space.
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boedker as you will see from Saikunga post some poor maids here are treated very badly so having a small room while not ideal it’s better than no room at all. We are lucky to have a proper room for our maid as visitors stay in a nearby hotel when they visit so as not to disrupt the household too much so haven’t had to deal with this problem but I would think if you follow cd’s suggestions that you could make the room not just so bad and if she is able to get out for a bit in the evening for a walk or meet her friends when she’s finished she won’t be spending too much time in it anyway.
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18 yrs ago
Yes, it is your choice. So do what your conscience dictates. I gave my helper her own room (our 3rd room) and would never let her sleep on the kitchen floor. This is just so inhuman.
I don't understand how some people make their helpers sleep on the kitchen floor and still sleep soundly at night. This is absurd... unthinkable! Maids are not slaves.
Having your own room is not a grand prize. It is the just thing to do. In fact, the HK Gov't requires the maid to have her own room or share a room with a child. I would love to give the HK govt the names of those who treat helpers as slaves. And actually, I strongly believe that those who belittle others either have a serious attitude problem or .. unhappy childhood perhaps?
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boedker, since you posted earlier re things to do for kids in Tai Tam (that is where i live as well) i figure that is where you are going to live. Some rooms are worse than other - for example Pacific View (or whatever it is called) has absolutely tiny rooms but every flat pretty much has a heper or two living in it -so you wont be the first! We tried to do all we can to make our helpers comfortable, a/c, tv, a little fridge, curtains, storage cabinets etc.. another thing you can do - go to Jade Rattan furtniture in Wan Chai - they make beds for helper rooms and whatever your room size is - they will make it to maximise the space and they will build all this storage space into the bed - all very clever i though.. Not expensive at all either.. Again - as I mentioned earlier - send me a pm if you need any more information!
Good luck withe the move!
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We gave our helper the option of using the guest room or the small one and she prefered the small one knowing that we have very regular visitors - my step children. This way all the helpers items are private. Of course we'd love to offer something else, wish the govt would allow live out clause if the accommodation was deemed of good quality.
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18 yrs ago
We also gave our helper the choice of a bedroom or the helper's room, and to my surprise, she chose the shoebox-size helper's room. There was no question of having to move her for guests, as we had a separate guest bedroom. She said that she preferred the privacy of a room off the kitchen rather than by the family bedrooms.
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Thanks for all your input.
I cannot believe that some people let the maids sleep on the floor in the kid’s rooms or on the kitchen floor! They are people just like you and me, and they need to have their own space – even if that space is just a tiny little room behind the kitchen.
I think I will offer the maid the guest room. At least I can tell my self that she had the offer. Knowing me I would not sleep well at night I have not given her the offer. And if she chooses the maids room I will try to make the best of it and go to the Jade Rattan (thanks Idslvvn – maybe I will send you a PM)
Best regards Boedker
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Boedker, do not offer the guest room, honestly, you will regret it! The thing is their room is out of the way, and they like it that way and you will like it that way - trust me, once you are around your helper all day, the last thing you want her popping in and out of her room, while your husband and you are having a dinner or just a quiet drink together. She will feel awkward, you both will feel awkward - nobody wins. Our helpers just close the kitchen door in the evening and we never see them, they never see us. Works well for both!
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I agree with ldsllyn. Our helper is great but she needs her privacy and so do we. The way the majority of HK apartments are designed with the corrider to the bedrooms off the living area every time she needs to come out of her room to use the bathroom she will feel awkward if you and your husband are sitting watching tv etc. The room behind the kitchen may be small but she will want her own space no matter how small compared with being in with the rest of the family.
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