Need advice regarding daily routine

Posted by ms1 17 yrs ago
hi, we are soon ( hopefully) getting a new helper and i would like to give her a routine for daily chores. i have never done this with any of my previous helpers but the amount of cleaning done just kept getting lessser and lesser by them. So now i would like to try a different apporach and give her something that can serve as a guide for what is expected when working .

she will need to prepare dinner, and clean 4 bedrooms, 2 bathroom lounge and kitchen and ironing. of course not everything everyday. she has from 7.30 in the moring to 3.30 in the afternoon free ( with lunch off) since no one is at home during those hours. I don't expect her to do much in the evening except just watch the kids. she'll be off work by 8.00p.m free to do what she wants. i tried to do a timetable but i'm no good at these things. could someone please help and suggest a routine or share what they get their helpers to do.

thanks in advance

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neenib 17 yrs ago
Hi ms1, have sent you a pm. I have typed up a guideline which goes for many pages! when our helper started, I was apologetic when giving it to her as it must have seemed daunting, but it covers everything right down to the routine for my daughter and her schooling. Our helper said it was fantastic and she really appreciated it. Whenever there is a change in routine, like if something works better a different way, she will tell me and I make the change to the guidelines and she puts it in her folder. Our life and our helper's life is much smoother and easier and we both know exactly what is needed. It is roughly the same in essence as cara's.

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ms1 17 yrs ago
thanks for the replies so far. it is beginning to make sense! hat about the ironing cara? when does she fit that in?

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Katherine227 17 yrs ago

Could you let me have a copy of your guidelines too? Thanks!

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bobius 17 yrs ago

Can you also give me your guidelines too?

My new helper will come this Friday and I am really appreciate for it.


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neenib 17 yrs ago
Hi, I'm happy to email the document through, so you want to each pm me with your email address, once I have your addresses, I will send it on.

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Katherine227 17 yrs ago

I have PM'd you. Thanks!

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neenib 17 yrs ago
Hi all, I am going to send an email to you all hopefully today (sorry, i only checked my messages today). I hope it is helpful to everyone and their helpers.

You owe me a good a coffee! Oh and a lamington wouldn't go astray either! Good luck to everyone.

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Katherine227 17 yrs ago

Received it. Thanks!

Regarding coffee and cake, anytime!


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rgf_hk 17 yrs ago
To prepare dinner, and clean 4 bedrooms, 2 bathroom lounge and kitchen and ironing ++ with only one helper, I think you need a SUPER HELPER. Godluck to your new helper.

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neenib 17 yrs ago

And just think of the size of our houses back home! Much bigger than the apartments here.

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Katherine227 17 yrs ago

I got the guidelines from neenib, but they are to use myself (not a very organised person). I am a SAH mum and I have to prepare dinner, clean 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, lounge, kitchen and laundry, ironing, shopping as well as taking care of 3 kids. Don't think that makes me a SUPER mum. LOL

Not be so judgmental!

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pinkie 17 yrs ago
Hi neenib

I would really appreciate too - i have had my helper a while but we have moved and baby no2 due very soon so i want her to have a bit more help when i am busy with baby.

I will pm you - thanks for your hard work - we do owe you.

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neenib 17 yrs ago
Sorry to everyone who has pm'd me. I have had family staying, so as you can imagine, life has been hectic! I will be sending out emails today. once again my apologies!

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bauhiniaboy23 17 yrs ago

Is there any chance you could send me a copy of the schedule too.

Many thanks.

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sunita26 17 yrs ago
me too

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gum 17 yrs ago
And me. Thanks.

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mixeymum 17 yrs ago

I'd LOVE a copy of your schedule...I'll buy you a whole pack of lamingtons if you send me one too :) thanks!!

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