Interviewing tips

Posted by Ailsa 17 yrs ago
Does anyone have any advice on how best to interview helpers? What questions to ask ? etc

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souffleQueen 17 yrs ago
There are several threads on this topic, and I remember posting in one of them that loosely say..." Helpers are almost always armed when they come for interviews and could give brilliant answers. Always try to ask a prospective helper and ask what she/he is not good at as a worker. And weigh if you could live with it.

And since working with a dh means requires proximity, it would not hurt if you get someone who is not only a good helper but a good person as well. This, i think could be achieved by having a small chit-chat after the "proper interview" was done and ask her opinion on certain things.

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Ailsa 17 yrs ago
I have only been successful in finding one thread which referred me to:

but I can't access it. Dear Editor, is the above thread still available?

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Scuba chick 17 yrs ago
I always want to have a sense of how many people is she supporting, a family, children or a whole village. It gives you a sense of some of the pressure she may be under and how that will impact her long term. I always ask is they can swim, as I expect them to take the kids to the pool and participate, don't wan them to be scared of water. Ask them what they can cook, and can they follow a recipe. Get them to do this for you if that is important. Always get them to come in on a Sunday for a trail run if they are able. Have they taken a First aid course!

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
While you interview, check the candidate's demeanor. Is she attentive, slouching, cowed, indifferent...? Show her a pic of the kids. Watch her reaction.

Tell her your priorities and see if she latches on and participates in the conversation or just says "yes, Ma'am".

"And since working with a dh means requires proximity, it would not hurt if you get someone who is not only a good helper but a good person as well. This, i think could be achieved by having a small chit-chat after the "proper interview" was done and ask her opinion on certain things."

Good idea. Although I think the whole interview should be a "chit-chat" of sorts. If she can't handle a normal conversation with her boss, life at home isn't much fun.

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hkwatcher 17 yrs ago
Check out her smile, how easily does she laugh. Get your kids to come into the room to play around and see if she interacts with them easily (or at least makes an effort)

If it is an out of the house interview ask her about how many brothers and sisters she has what sorts of things she was responsible for in her family.

Ask her if she any relatives here in HK? (support is important)

Agree with the above posters about body langauge and communication!

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kiwimmc 17 yrs ago
A friend of mine always asks a prospective helper to interpret a note and to write a note - eg what note would you leave me if you had taken the kids to the park, and if I leave you a note saying "xyz" what is the message telling you.

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davidebard6md 17 yrs ago
add this tip to all the others: make sure she understands your english properly.

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