helper wanting to sleep out

Posted by leightonhill 17 yrs ago
she wants to sleep out on her day off

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
You should let her. It's her day off.

What are your concerns, if any?

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Moppet 17 yrs ago
Been covered many times check out the link below

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leightonhill 17 yrs ago
Hi, Moppet, My entry was a mistake. I was trying to search a post I read about one or two wks ago about a newly arrived helper telling them she wanted to stay out saturday night. The family was caught off guarded and agreed to it but felt uncomfortable. Not long after, the helper started coming back late on monday morning when the family really needed help preparing the kids for school. It was a woman that wrote the thread. I want to read it again because I just interviewed someone who had worked for an expat family for just 9 days and got released because of "financial problem". She's paid $4500 a month - "financial problem" for an newly arrived expat family? A bit unbelievable. But this helper has great references including one from this last expat family and everyone is willing to be contacted. The helper told me that she has a sister here in hk and she wants to stay with her sister on saturday. (actually, I've no problem with it, not that it has any relevance here). The line sounds very familir and so i wanted to see if this is the helper that was talked about in the thread that I read about before. This particular tread seems to have been withdrawn. The reference letter was written by the male boss and perhaps the male boss was being more accommodating and wanting to help out this helper. Since if you're released early, fincnaial problem is only 1 of the 2 reasons you don't get penalised. I'm very tempted by this helper. Although a bit yound but appears extremely professional. Almost too good to be true. And the offers she said she's got is way above what she was paid before. Looks like this expat family that released her after only 9 days is doing her a great favour!

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